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Оглавление(April 9, 2007) As an American Jewess, I find it painful, albeit necessary, to help expose the shocking truth that there are, in our midst, self-hating Jews (UC professors, no less) who are vigorously promoting the extinction of the state of Israel.
Also as we speak, the seeds of another Holocaust are being planted in the shameless godless country of France.
Kudos to Gil Stein, a local attorney, for making known the following condensed, impassioned protest. Also, kudos to Tom Honig, Editor of the Sentinel News for printing Gil Stein’s entire comprehensive letter called “UC pays for political rally against Israel”. I would also call it “Anti-Semitism Is Alive And Well On UC Campuses”.
And I have added a few of my own remarks.
“On March 15th, UC Santa Cruz hosted a conference entitled ‘Alternative Histories Within and Beyond Zionism’. The conference was organized by Lisa Rofel, a professor of anthropology at UCSC. The event was co-sponsored by other university departments such as Feminist Studies, Community Studies and Sociology.
There were five speakers, all Jewish, and all from different UC campuses, opposing Israel. This was presented as an academic conference. In fact, it was a political rally against Israel, sponsored and paid for by the University of California” and which We The People subsidized.
Why is this a concern? It is just one more example of the arrogance of power. Professors are educators and should teach and not exploit their power to promote their personal agenda. When university resources are used to promote a particular political point of view, it concerns us all, and those educators are brainwashing our children. It happened here with a deliberate attempt to promote and encourage an anti-Semitic agenda. All five anti-Zionist speakers had no contrary opinions.
The event organizer, Rofel, asked the chair of the Jewish Studies Program here at UCSC, Professor Murray Baumgarten to cosponsor the event and even asked for a financial contribution. This is like asking someone to help purchase the rope for his own hanging. To his credit, Professor Baumgarten volunteered to help secure other presenters who might add a more balanced viewpoint. This was declined; the political agenda was already set.
Israeli policy is simple. It only wants the right to exist in peace.
This conference was a deliberate attempt to indoctrinate students and others and to promote the concept that Israel has no right to exist.
The University of California has a responsibility not only to the students and faculty, but to all Californians, to refrain from promoting an ideology or personal agendas. The university belongs to all of us and should not be used for the private use of its employees. This is not an issue of academic freedom. It is an issue of academic integrity and honesty. Whether the indoctrination is from the left or the right, it is improper. It needs to be stopped now.
Way to go, Gil Stein.