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Does anyone listening disagree that Gray Davis is possibly the slimiest Governor that California has ever had? He is a dismal failure as a leader. He is nothing more than an untalented bureaucrat at the right place at the right time. Do we want him to continue to lead us until 2006? Having spent a good part of his first term collecting funds for his campaign for a second term, he used the method of “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” or “If you donate money for my reelection, I’ll give you some very nice perks like maybe a cushy government job.” His performance as state leader is the best argument for term limits, and I do mean one term only, but that’s another story.

Now, thanks to Gray Davis and his cavalier way of spending We the People’s money – remember the hasty, expensive decisions made during the energy crisis? – California is now on the verge of economic collapse. How is this possible? Could it be incompetent, corrupt leadership? While campaigning last fall for a second term, Davis assured We the People that the state budget deficit was no more than $26 billion (with a “b”). Shortly after safely being in charge for another four-year term, he confessed that the state budget shortfall was really more like $38.8 billion. Clearly, he blatantly lied to get reelected. For that alone, he should be recalled. His credibility is zero, and we cannot afford his inferior leadership until 2006.

A recall effort is going on right now. Two hundred thousand signatures of registered voters have already been collected. A goal of one million signatures must be collected by August. With a state population of over 30 million, that goal is doable. Here at KSCO, we are calling for volunteers to donate time to accept drive-by valid signatures from registered voters at Steve Hartman’s bus, which will be parked in KSCO’s parking lot at 2300 Portola Drive. If you can help out, please call Rosemary at (831) 475-1080, and thank you very much.

Together, we may unseat this lying scoundrel.

For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling

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