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Chapter One

What Are You Waiting For?

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.”

(Isaiah 40:31 NLT)

Our lives are filled with waiting. At every moment we are waiting for a job, a phone call, an email, a relationship, medical results, healing. There are so many moments of waiting that we might expect to get better at waiting. Conceivably, we could become more patient while waiting. Or maybe we could become more productive during the wait.

When my husband and I entered the adoption process, we traded in waiting for doctor appointments and refills of prescriptions for a different kind of waiting. We were now waiting for our home study to be complete, background checks to clear, and our profile to be shown. We were waiting to be matched with an expectant parent, for the baby to be born, for the revocation period to pass, and for a court date to finalize the adoption. So much waiting can be paralyzing for a person. In some of the earlier moments, I did nothing else but sit and wait. Once I realized that the Lord gives purpose to a wait, I was able to lean into him, to seek him, to need him, while I waited.

When we wait on the Lord, he will continually renew our strength, supply our patience, and refuel our energy. Just when we think we can’t endure one more moment of waiting that is when we will find him. He will show up, pick us up, and push us forward. Because we are all waiting on something at any given moment, we cannot let wait paralyze us. Joyful moments exist within the wait, but we must be actively looking for them.

Wait with Hope

Big or small, list three things you are currently waiting for and how long you have been waiting for them.

Which of these items has stalled your daily production or stolen your daily joy?

What are some ways you can add joy to your wait? (reach out to a friend for support, join a prayer group or Bible study, go on a mini vacation, start a workout plan)

Make a specific plan to intentionally add joy while waiting on these things.

Refuel Your Wait

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