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Dick and Jane: A Case of Foot in Mouth


Jane had been in her corporate role for only six months when she received a frantic call from Dick, Director of Finance. Dick was scheduled to give a presentation that morning for the company’s biggest bigwigs at their annual corporate retreat. Unfortunately, he’d neglected to bring critical documents prepared by Jane’s department. He made a frantic call to Jane, begging her to deliver the documents ASAP. Jane agreed to navigate the icy roads up to the mountain resort where they were meeting, and slipped into the back of the conference room. Up on the stage, Dick spotted Jane. Visibly relieved, he called out, ‘‘Hey, bitch, what took you so long?!’’ Dick laughed and Jane froze—had she actually heard what she thought she’d heard? Bitch? Bitch?! Jane’s mind raced, but unwilling to let anyone see her shock, she handed the papers over without comment and exited.

Jane didn’t sleep that night—she tossed and turned, practically shredding her pillow in rage. First thing the next morning she called Dick and requested a meeting. He sounded genuinely happy to hear from her, inviting her over that minute. In cold, measured tones Jane told him that she found being called a bitch unacceptable, and added that she would lodge a formal complaint with the company if he didn’t apologize immediately. Dick was totally astounded: ‘‘I didn’t say that! Gosh—did I say that? I can’t believe I would have done something like that.’’ Jane could see that the Dick was sincerely confused—the poor guy was notorious for his social blunders. He promptly and profusely apologized; he obviously felt terrible. Dick then offered to issue a public apology, cc’ing all those who were in attendance at the retreat. Jane declined the offer. Being called a bitch was bad enough—did we need to put it in lights?! Dick repeatedly expressed remorse: ‘‘I’m so sorry. . . . I’m so sorry—please forgive me,’’ Jane accepted his apology and returned to her work, satisfied that Dick would forevermore tread carefully in her presence.

Let’s analyze Dick in the context of our boss categories. He clearly doesn’t fit the profile of an adequate boss—his grossly disrespectful behavior reflects the emotional intelligence of a walnut. One might be tempted to leap to the conclusion that Dick is a certifiable abrasive boss because of his aggressive behavior; however, did this behavior cause emotional distress in coworkers (namely, Jane) sufficient to disrupt organizational functioning? Certainly, Dick disrupted Jane’s sleep, but did he disrupt the flow of work? The answer is no, and I know this for a fact because I am Jane—this actually happened to yours truly. True, I was furious with Dick, but his sincere apology and obvious remorse defused my outrage. I felt no need to complain to the powers that be of his transgression, thereby disrupting their focus. His apology repaired the damage done to our working relationship, and I returned to the salt mines irritated but wound-free. Some might see Dick’s behavior as an indicator of underlying mental disorder, but he wasn’t crazy—he was clueless. Respected for his technical expertise, he was generally viewed with affection by coworkers (myself included) who accepted his deficient emotional intelligence (or, as I termed it at the time, emotional stupidity). He never offended me again.

In this case Dick proved to be an annoying boss. Annoying bosses are fairly common; I suspect that most of us who have been bosses have been annoying bosses at times—I know I have. But Dick was lucky. Another person might not simply have demanded an apology for his outrageous behavior but could instead have charged him with sexual harassment. Such a charge would have disrupted organizational functioning with investigations, adjudications, and penalties, leaving permanent scars on involved individuals and the company.

Abrasive bosses are all too common. Abrasion doesn’t discriminate—abrasive bosses may be of any age, sex, color, religion, or ethnicity, but they have one thing in common: aggressive managerial styles that damage work relationships to the point of damaging work. In the next chapter you’ll meet an abrasive boss and explore abrasive boss behavior in more detail.

Taming the Abrasive Manager

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