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I want to thank the following people:
The staff at Independent School magazine, for publishing my articles about in-house PD and their questions during the editorial process that pushed my thinking forward.
Alecia Berman-Dry, director of outreach and professional development at the Association of Independent Maryland & DC Schools, for suggesting that I do a workshop on the topic of peer-to-peer professional development.
Participants at all my workshops on this topic, especially those early ones when I was still working the kinks out of the protocols.
My good friend Laurie Hornik, whose brilliance as both a teacher and an artist made me think of the curator metaphor that runs through this book.
Melanie Greenup, for being that mentor who looked at my sparks and saw fire and gently, but persistently, fanned the flames.
Eric Baylin and his colleagues at the Packer Collegiate Facilitative Leadership Institute, for first introducing me to the idea of creating structured processes for colleagues to learn from one another.
The many educators working with the School Reform Initiative. The protocols in this book are original, but the idea of using protocols to create a framework for meaningful faculty learning is not. I am grateful to those whose efforts inspired mine.
Carley Moore, for teaching me that writing can be a way for teachers to discover and deepen their thinking about their practice.
My co-everything, Jonathan Weinstein, for introducing me to contextual behavioral science, nerding out with me about relational frame theory, coauthoring the protocols for students on which some of the protocols for teachers in this book are based, and—most importantly—being a loving partner.
My good friend Taslim Tharani, who listened to me talk and talk and talk about this work and who believes in it so much that she uses it in her own work. (If you knew Tas, you'd know that's high praise.)
Susan Hills and Jamie Greene, my editors at ASCD, for wallowing around with me in the concept, message, details, and structure of this book until they were right. Both Susan and Jamie patiently gave me a chance to work through a lot of bad ideas and drafts. If this book is any good, it's because of their wise guidance.
Jill Stoddard, Ryan Harrity, and Timothy Riley, for reading the manuscript (during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, no less) and providing thoughtful feedback.
My former teaching partners and collaborators—Lauren Keller, Dori Kamlet Klar, Melissa Teitel, Kalin Taylor, Rachel Gayer, Renee Charity Price, Eliza Alexander, Laurie Hornik, Corey Blay, Janet Goldschmidt, Dina Weinberg, Rochelle Reodica, and Mollie Sandberg—who generously provided their time and thinking so every day was a PD day.
My parents, Harold and Leslie, and my kids, Allison and Jason.
And my students. All of them. Always.