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About bread. Bread is a large number of small holes entirely surrounded by bread.

A SIMPLE recipe for using it is to lay down a slice and put butter on top of same. This makes a palatable dish if you have the butter.

The price of flour—one of the ingredients of bread—has gone down. The price of bread has not gone down. There is, of course, a reason. We can't see it. But—

Bread-cart horses are eating more now than they did. Yeast has shown a decided tendency to rise, and the Viennese tradesmen engaged in making the swipes on top of Vienna loaves are demanding more money.

Cottage loaves have shown a decided falling off, on account of the operatives moving out of their cottages into flats.

On the whole, the situation is such that everyone should burst into tears and tell their friends that the country is going to the dogs.

Speaking of recipes, a good one for damper is:—Take 1lb. flour, 1/2lb. baking powder, 3 eggs, 1 grated prawn, and sufficient scones for nine people.

Eat scones. Stir remainder well.

Keep stirring. These are stirring times.

Here's Another

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