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The trout season is now open. This reminds us of fish. There is a lot of thrills to be got out of fishing, though not much fish. We once struggled for nearly half an hour with a salmon, which only weighed about a pound. The label was torn to pieces, and the tin was dented in two places before we got him.

There are other ways of getting fish, even more strenuous.

Rock fishing, for instance. We don't recommend it unless you get paid by the hour. A man might waste half a ton of rocks before he hits one fish.

Then there's rod fishing. All right if you've got a good eye, and are a fairly straight shot with the rod.

Line fishing? Well, we know a fair amount about line fishing.

We have a line.

Some of us experts use a float instead of a sinker. We are not in favour of this. With a decent sinker, you at least have a chance of stunning the fish. Even if you don't catch the fish on the forehead with the sinker, there is always the possibility that the fish will swallow the thing, and die of lead poisoning.


Dynamiting is unsportsmanlike and uneconomical.

The procedure is to force the dynamite down the throat of the fish, and light the fuse. Throw the fish away and run like blazes.

The only fault in this method is that it does not do the fish much good. It sort of permanently cures it of being a fish.

At deep-sea fishing we admit we are not much good. We give up. Matter of fact, the giving up part is about all we know of deep-sea fishing. Just throw the line over, if you've got the strength, and throw everything else after it.

For a man getting up in years, fishing for limpets is good, although inclined to be a bit monotonous.


But for those who cannot get close to the sea, said he kindly-for those who are far from the roaring deep (said roaring caused by the bass, the drummers, the wails, and the trumpeters, besides all the other fish with internal organs), a little silver-fishing is advised.

It is best done with two players. A small piece of carpet, loaded with moth balls, is cast into the room or rooms. (Set lines may be used.)

The silverfish emerges from its den, and claws gluttonishly at the moth balls. After some hours, it reclines, sated, on the piece of carpet, and may be drawn gently to a given spot. It is here that the second player comes in. He engages the silverfish's attention with "The Village Blacksmith" or "The Face on the Bar-room Floor."


The silverfish props its head on one paw, and gazes in a dazed manner at the elocutionist.

The head player then sneaks up behind it (the silverfish), grabs it by the throat, and the rest is not suitable for young readers.

We knew an expert who, without bait, caught 105 silverfish in one night, simply by reciting "Gungha Din."

They came and gave themselves up in dozens.

There is very little more to be said about trout.

Here's Another

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