Читать книгу The Common Core Companion: Booster Lessons, Grades 3-5 - Leslie Blauman - Страница 82

Driving Questions


 How do I move beyond using a fairy tale to teach POV? How do I bring increasingly rigorous text to my reading workshop?

 How do I move beyond POV? Craft and structure includes vocabulary, figurative language and overall structure of texts—including a variety of genres? How do I include these in a unit of study?

 What other writing in response to reading fits into this unit of study?

And these are the generic questions that we should always be asking ourselves:

 What is missing from my current curriculum (or basal)? How do I ensure my students are getting the skills they need?

 What are other “routes” I can take to teach these skills?

The Common Core Companion: Booster Lessons, Grades 3-5

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