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Physiologically babies are designed to drink from their moms for two to three years which partly explains why Baby loves nursing so much. The closeness and comfort, as well as the instinctively healthy nature of babies, make it quite difficult to wean them, especially if they have nursed for a prolonged period. You have done your child a lifelong favour by breastfeeding for this extended period. Congratulations!

If you are still feeding your first child when you fall pregnant again, you will find that your milk will become less and change taste. This often makes babies more amenable to weaning. However, if you want to stop completely before falling pregnant, you will have most success by simply going cold turkey and refusing all feeds. Give a lot of extra love and attention and distract Baby when you see the desire for a feed arising. You can also refuse some of the feeds. This whole process will take courage, but you have done your bit; thus you need not feel bad if you choose to wean now. You can, of course, breastfeed right through pregnancy unless there is a threat of miscarriage and many women end up ‘tandem-feeding’ a baby and a toddler. Whatever you decide, make sure it is the right decision for you. Babies reflect their mom’s frame of mind. If you are confident and relaxed, Baby will pick that up.

Sister Lilian’s Pregnancy & Birth Companion

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