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Making Wealth Waterfalls


One of the most powerful wealth rituals is the correct construction of the wealth-bringing waterfall. There are several ways to approach this particular prosperity ritual. It can be as simple as a tiny simulated flow of water in a small porcelain bowl — the Taiwanese have come up with a few ready-made waterfalls — or it can be a massive artificial waterfall. The key is to correctly identify the part of a property where the placement of a waterfall would benefit the fortunes of the house or apartment building.

To be effective in creating fast and substantial wealth luck, prosperity waterfalls should neither be too steep nor too gentle so that the strength of the water falling is neither too slow, so that it looks like only a trickle of water, nor too fast so it rushes past.

Most importantly, waterfalls should be positioned so that the water never appears to flow away from the home but should seem to be flowing towards the home from an auspicious direction. If there is a small pond where water can collect and settle, then prosperity is said to accumulate.

There should always be a door to symbolically receive the flow of wealth-bringing water. Even if the main door is somewhere else, you can open another door to let the waterfall’s auspicious chi enter the home.

The most auspicious waterfall is one that seems to enter into the dining room of the home since this feeds directly into the belly of the home. So if you find it auspicious to build a waterfall directly outside you dining room then a prosperity pond of water has the potential to bring enormous wealth opportunities.

If you have no door through which you can receive the wealth-giving chi, then windows are the next-best thing. Remember, if you go to the trouble of building an artificial waterfall it is a good idea to do everything possible to capture the chi created. So if you cannot open a door, open a window. However, if you live in a high-rise apartment you should not attempt to build a prosperity waterfall, as this will create bad luck for those living below you.

Placed correctly the waterfall brings absolutely fabulous wealth luck, but if your karma is not ready, you will encounter all kinds of impediments. You might make all sorts of excuses as to why you cannot proceed or construction may prove difficult. But if it is your time to prosper you will discover that building this waterfall is quite simply effortless and well worthwhile.

A waterfall generates wealth when it cascades towards the house, bringing abundance to, rather than from, the home. When situated close to a dining room, the luck of abundance is said to come into the belly of the home, symbolically feeding the residents.

Lillian Too’s Irresistible Feng Shui Magic: Magic and Rituals for Love, Success and Happiness

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