Читать книгу Spatial Multidimensional Cooperative Transmission Theories And Key Technologies - Lin Bai - Страница 8
Common Symbol Table
Оглавление1.A and a represent complex-value vectors and matrices, respectively.
2.For matrix A, AT, AH, A−1, and A* represent its transpose, conjugate transpose, inverse of the matrix, and conjugate matrix, respectively.
3.[A]i,j denotes the element of the ith row and the jth column of matrix A.
4.A(a:b, c:d) represents a sub-array of matrix A whose elements are the a, . . . , b rows and c, . . . , d columns of matrix A.
5.A(n, :) and A(:, n) represent the nth row and the nth column of the matrix A, respectively.
6. and represent the real and the imaginary parts of complex z, respectively.
7.||·|| represents the 2 norm of the vector or matrix and ||·|| represents the Frobenius norm of the vector or matrix.
8.[α] represents the largest integer less than α and [α] represents the nearest integer to α.
9.[α] represents the absolute value of α.
10.\ represents set subtraction.
11.In represents the n × n identity matrix.
12. represents the set containing elements k(1), k(2), . . ..
13.tr(A) represents the trace of matrix A.
14.det(A) represents the determinant of matrix A.
15. represents the length of the shortest non-zero vector in the lattice generated by matrix A.
16. represents the orthogonal separating degree of matrix A with M column vectors.
17.λ(A) and λmin(A) represent the eigenvalues of matrix A and the minimum eigenvalue of matrix A, respectively.
18. represents the lattice generated by the matrix A.
19.E[·] represents statistical expectation.
20.〈a, b〉 represents the inner product of the vectors a and b.
21. represents a complex Gaussian vector with a mean of m and a variance of C.
22.log(·) represents the natural logarithm.
23.0 represents a matrix with all zero elements.
24. represents a set of all integers.
25.A ⊗ B represents the Kronecker product of the matrices A and B.