Читать книгу Spatial Multidimensional Cooperative Transmission Theories And Key Technologies - Lin Bai - Страница 9
Оглавление1.1Overview of Ground-based Wireless Communication System
1.1.1The first generation of mobile communication system
1.1.2The second generation of mobile communication system
1.1.3The third generation of mobile communication system
1.1.4The fourth generation of mobile communication system
1.1.5The fifth generation of mobile communication system
1.2The Overview of Air-Based Cooperative Transmission System
1.3The Overview of Space-Based Cooperative Transmission System
1.3.1The current situation and development trend of space-based cooperative transmission system
1.3.2The basic principle of space-based cooperative transmission system
Chapter 2.The Overview of Multi-Antenna Signal and System
2.1Spatial Signal Combination and Detection Basis
2.1.1Spatial signal combination
2.1.2Received signal detection
2.2Array Antenna Pattern Synthesis Technology
2.2.1Array antenna arrangement
2.2.3Array antenna pattern synthesis
2.3Overview of the MIMO System
2.4MIMO Traditional Detection Technology
2.4.2Uncoded MIMO signal detection
Chapter 3.Adaptive Antenna Array Theory and Technology
3.1The Basic Principle of Adaptive Antenna Array
3.2.1Minimum mean square error criterion
3.2.2Maximum signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio criterion
3.2.3Maximum likelihood criterion
3.2.4Minimum variance criterion
3.3Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm
3.3.1Least mean square algorithm
3.3.4Conjugate gradient algorithm
3.3.5Constant modulus algorithm
3.4Direction of Arrival Estimation
3.4.1Traditional spectral estimation method
3.4.2Maximum entropy spectrum estimation
3.4.3Multiple signal classification algorithm
3.4.4Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques
3.4.5Maximum likelihood algorithm
3.4.6Subspace fitting algorithm
3.5Adaptive Antenna Array Calibration
3.5.1Radio feed reference signal method
3.5.3Blind signal calibration method
3.6Adaptive Antenna System Hardware Architecture
3.6.1Radio frequency front-end module
3.6.2Data signal processing module
3.6.3Parallel digital beamforming
Chapter 4.MIMO Multi-Antenna Theory and Technology
4.2.1Deterministic channel capacity
4.2.2Random MIMO channel capacity
4.2.3Comparison of MIMO channel capacity for average power allocation
4.3MIMO Space–Time Coding Technology
4.3.1Space–time coding and coding guidelines
4.4MIMO Beamforming Technology
4.5MIMO Multi-antenna Technology
4.5.1Mutual coupling of multiple antenna units
4.5.2Spatial correlation coefficient
4.5.3Spatial correlation and MIMO channel
4.5.4MIMO multi-antenna decoupling
4.5.5MIMO multi-antenna selection
4.6.1Massive MIMO system application prospects
4.6.2Channel hardening under large sizes
4.6.3Technical challenges faced by large-scale MIMO
Chapter 5.Spatial Multidimensional Signal Reception and Iterative Processing
5.1MIMO Detection Technology Based on Lattice Theory
5.1.1Lattice mathematical basis
5.1.2MIMO detection based on lattice reduction
5.2Iterative Detection and Decoding Basic Principle and Optimal MAP Detection
5.2.2MIMO iterative receiver-optimal MAP detection
5.3Detection and Decoding Technology Based on Random Sampling
5.3.2LR-based sampling list generation method
5.4Bit Filtering-Based Detection and Decoding Technology
5.4.1LR-based IDD and bit-level combination and list generation
Chapter 6.Ground-Based Cooperative Transmission System
6.1Ground-Based Transmission System Overview
6.1.1Development of ground-based wireless communication systems
6.1.2Characteristics of ground-based wireless communication systems
6.2Multidimensional Joint Resource Management of Ground-Based Wireless Communication System
6.2.1Radio resource management model based on a two-layer cognitive loop
6.2.2Intelligent radio resource management model
6.2.3Service-oriented radio resource management implementation architecture
6.2.4MIMO–OFDM system radio resource scheduling
6.3Multi-User Cooperative Transmission Method
6.3.1Orthogonal beamforming technology
6.3.2Beamforming technology for multi-user relay systems
6.3.3Multi-user selection strategy
6.4Multi-cell Cooperative Transmission and Anti-Interference Method
6.4.1Multi-cell cooperative transmission
6.4.2Geometric modeling of multi-cell interference system
6.4.3Multi-cell system anti-interference technology
6.4.4Multi-cell system cooperative interference suppression
6.5.1Review of the basic concepts of a massive MIMO System
Chapter 7.Air-Based Cooperative Transmission System
7.1Overview of Air-Based Transmission Technology
7.1.1Introduction to the high-altitude platform communication system
7.1.2Introduction to Project Loon
7.2Array-Based and Air-Based Transmission System
7.2.1Mathematical model of the antenna beam
7.2.2Efficient algorithm for predicting co-channel interference
7.2.3121 cell structure results
7.3.1Two-dimensional spatial interpolation beamformer (2D SIB)
7.3.2Design example of two-dimensional spatial interpolation filter
7.4High-Altitude Platform Cell Planning
7.4.1Coverage and cell partition of high-altitude platforms
7.5High-Altitude Platform Transmission Mechanism
7.5.1The introduction of related technologies
7.5.3Singular vector-based training method
7.5.4Steering vector-based training method
Chapter 8.Space-Based Cooperative Transmission System
8.1The Overview of Space-Based Transmission Technology
8.2Constellation Cooperative Multi-Beam Transmission Technology
8.3Constellation Cooperative MIMO System Modeling
8.3.1Single-antenna constellation
8.3.2Array antenna constellation
8.4Constellation-Cooperative MIMO System Capacity
8.4.2Single-antenna constellation capacity
8.4.3Array antenna constellation capacity
8.5Analysis of Factors Affecting Capacity of Constellation Cooperative MIMO System
8.5.1Single-antenna constellation