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Index of abbreviations


ALTER-EU Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation

BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.

(The Voice of German Industry)

BM Burson-Marsteller

CHR Clerk of the House of Representatives

COREPER Committee of Permanent Representatives

CRP Center for Responsive Politics

DG Directorate-General

DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

(German Aerospace Center)

ECJ European Court of Justice

ECSC European Coal and Steel Community

EP European Parliament

ETI European Transparency Initiative

EU European Union

FARA Foreign Agents Registration Act

FRLA Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act

GAO US Government Accountability Office

GSC General Secretariat of the Council

HLOGA Honest Leadership and Open Government Act

IIA Interinstitutional Agreement

JTRS Joint Transparency Register Secretariat

LDA Lobbying Disclosure Act

LD-1 Lobbying registration (United States)

LD-2 Activity-related and financial reports (United States)

LD-203 Certain contributions reports (United States)

MEP Member of European Parliament

MP Member of Parliament

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OLP Ordinary Legislative Procedure

PAC Political Action Committee

ROIR Register of Interest Representatives

SOS Secretary of the Senate

TEU Treaty on EU

TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the EU

TR Transparency Register

WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

Lobbying Uncovered?

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