Читать книгу Lobbying Uncovered? - Lisa Moessing - Страница 9

1.2 Research objectives


The study at hand is not designed to merely provide a comparison between two different registration systems, it also aims at extending its scope beyond. Its unique approach lies in its combination of a detailed comparison between a voluntary TR (EU) and a mandatory register (United States), complemented by a critical discussion on the European registration method in particular. Therefore, this work is one of the first to contrast the US registration system with the TR as the most recent and advanced disclosure mechanism in the EU. An essential part of the discussion is designed to critically and constructively formulate amending options for the European system, through input and experience from personnel of European institutions, Brussels-based lobbyists, and lobby critics. Beyond that, this book will also formulate incentives for future research and identify future perspectives. Due to its focus on the EU, this thesis goes beyond previous research in that it discusses the extension of access passes to the Commission and the possibility of including the Council of the EU as the third official EU operator of the register. The first published official study about the legal basis of a mandatory register in the EU will also be considered. Further scientific intention of this book is to convey a preliminary general understanding about the concept of lobbying and related activities with respect to the differing political preconditions in the democratic systems of the EU and the United States.

This book will provide an overview of the particular historic developments of lobbying regulation, differentiate between specific characteristics of both the registers, and describe strengths and weaknesses inherent to both approaches. With regard to their legal basis, it points out the legal prerequisites, which both approaches require, and allows to gain insight into the daily applicability of the EU register. Accordingly, it deduces from that where the European concept still leaves room for amendments. This study is addressed to scholars, academics, interest representatives, and members of the public with a general interest in lobbying regulation or a concern on regulative mechanisms in the EU and the United States in particular. Especially in terms of the current revision procedure of the European TR, this thesis is directed toward individuals of EU institutions and designed to serve as an inspiring input to the debate.

Lobbying Uncovered?

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