Читать книгу Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill? - Литагент HarperCollins USD, Martin Budd N.D. D.O. - Страница 28

Weight, Exercise and the Thyroid


Experiments involving low calorie diets have yielded significant information on the link between weight loss and the metabolic rate.

In 1919 F. G. Benedict placed 34 American student volunteers on a diet of 1,500 calories a day. After an average weight loss of 10 per cent (this took 60 days), their metabolic rate had fallen by 18 per cent3. More recently George K. Bray at UCLA put six very overweight women on a 450 calorie diet for 24 days4. Their weight loss averaged seven per cent, but their metabolic output fell by 15 per cent. Such evidence confirms that dieting slows down our metabolic rate. In particular the vital organs are slowed, chiefly by a reduced use of oxygen. It follows that dieting cannot be seen as a healthy option. As the thyroid both regulates and reflects our metabolic rate, it is clear that a mildly underactive thyroid is incompatible with lasting weight reduction.

Weight loss should not depend on low calorie diets or low carbohydrate diets. Any attempts to lose weight should be directed towards normalizing the thyroid activity, eating a healthy balanced diet and following regular, preferably non-competitive, exercise. I have found that those patients who come to see me with a weight problem very often show low morning temperatures, and when they have in the past lost weight this was usually rapidly regained, sometimes with interest.

If you are a disillusioned dieter who has for some time yo-yoed from weight loss to weight gain on various diets, it is essential to ask yourself the following two simple questions in order to begin to assess whether you may be hypothyroid:

1 How much exercise do you do?

2 Are you cold or tired?

Now you have asked yourself these two questions you can begin to resolve your weight problem. Part Two shows you how to lose weight effectively without disturbing your metabolism, exercise efficiently, and begin to treat your mild hypothyroidism.

Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill?

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