Читать книгу Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill? - Литагент HarperCollins USD, Martin Budd N.D. D.O. - Страница 34

The Thyroid and Depression


It you suffer from low grade hypothyroidism your entire body can feel mentally and physically depressed. In fact, hypothyroidism depresses the whole metabolism. As I have mentioned (see page 10) hypothyroidism can mean that T3 is not converted efficiently from T4 at cell level. T3 (Triiodthyronine) is a powerful hormone in the body and therefore one key to understanding depression.

The T3 hormone is itself a neurotransmitter as potent in its action as serotonin. However, it is also essential to maintain the levels of serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain. If you do not have enough T3 you will be lacking in these two hormones. Noradrenaline deficiency is seen as a major cause of depression. Therefore it is vital to ascertain whether you may have low grade hypothyroidism in order to effectively treat depression.

Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill?

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