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2. The schedule of a retreat day


The daily schedule played an important role in the retreats and days of reflection. The order of the retreat that was developed in Kraków, when Bishop Karol Wojtyła began his ministry, included three talks; Lectio spiritualis – spiritual reading; Corona Rosarii – Rosary; Via crucis – the Way of the Cross; Adoratio – Adoration; Matutinum – Matins; Lectio – reading; Sacrum or Officium Eucharisticum – Holy Mass or Eucharist; Vesperae – Vespers; Adoratio Sanctissimi Sacramenti – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; Completorium – Compline.

During the retreats, Archbishop Karol Wojtyła followed the Ignatian method. He became familiar with this method in the seminary under the guidance of Fr Stanisław Smoleński, who was later made Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków. The method involved preparing a detailed outline of a topic for reflection and spiritual reading. During his episcopal ministry in Kraków, Archbishop Wojtyła led retreats and days of reflection himself, consulting Bishop Smoleński or Fr Aleksander Fedorowicz on spiritual topics. The latter was the spiritual father of the Lwów Seminary in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska in the 1960s, and then the spiritual director at the Laski Centre, near Warsaw. He would also come to Rome and offer counsel to the Holy Father.

This method of reflection allowed Fr Wojtyła to organise the whole retreat or reflection day according to a characteristic plan. The rhythm of the retreat day was set out by the breviary, which was recited according to the pre-conciliar method, with Matins, Lauds (laudatory prayers), Terce, Sext and Nones. Almost every day included:

Laudes – Lauds

Meditatio ante Sacrum – meditation before Holy Mass

Sacrum – Holy Mass

Gratarium actio – thanksgiving

Lectio S. Scripturae – reading the Holy Scriptures

Meditatio – meditation

Via crucis – the Way of the Cross

Vesperae – Vespers

Adoratio – Adoration

Rosarium – Rosary

Lectio spiritualis – spiritual reading

Meditatio – meditation

Matutinum anticipatum – anticipated Matins

Lectio S. Scripturae – reading the Holy Scriptures

Rosarium – Rosary

Completa – Compline

Hora Sancta (Sacra) – Holy Hour

Lectio – reading.

Bishop Wojtyła remained faithful to this order of reflection days and retreats throughout his life, which is evident in his later notes, in particular the notes from the period when he was pope.

In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II

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