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Оглавление7/8 November
This day was a kind of anticipation of the retreat day (intertwined with other activities). The key thoughts of the day: (1) the reality of the Most Holy Trinity (preface); (2) the issue of ‘meaning – service’.
2 December
Matins; Holy Mass; Lauds; Prime
Meditation 1: The Church as the means to the end, which is God Himself: the union of persons–souls with Him. Simultaneously, the same Church as Sponsa [Bride]: the divine order is the order of love.
Meditation 2: God Himself gives ‘meaning’ to man and his actions. At the same time, there is a drive towards this ‘meaning’ in man. This drive is turned into service when man accepts the meaning given to it by God. This ‘meaning’ is always larger than man. It overwhelms him.
Vespers; The Way of the Cross (associations with Genesis)
Meditation 3: A timely one on the topic of ‘pastor – auctor’ [‘shepherd – creator’]
Conclusion: to order things according to the meaning given to them by God, though the question remains.
Meditation 4: Litany of the Saints. Modus procedendi [how to proceed] in case 1.
Adoration; (Talk for the Felician Sisters)
Spiritual reading (F. Wulf SJ, La vie spirituelle dans le monde d’aujourd’hui)1
Matins; Rosary; Penitential psalms; Compline