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21–26 September 1976 Retreat in Zakopane–Jaszczurówka at the Grey Ursulines’ Topic: Sacerdos – Propheta – Rex [Priest – Prophet – King]


21 September: Feast of St Matthew

Vespers at 4.30 p.m.

Introductory meditation: Fr W. spoke in the morning about ‘the vocation of the sinner’ – this is what he said about today’s patron saint. Every vocation is threefold and consists of the dimensions of the priest, the prophet and the king. Matthew’s calling to join the twelve apostles was also like that. We will try to follow this threefold nature of vocation during the retreat. And every vocation through Christ–Just Lamb is the calling of a ‘sinner’. It contains an inner dimension of ‘justification’ proportionate to the dimension of sinfulness. We will also try to follow up on this during the retreat. The first light.

In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II

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