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5–6 July 1973 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska


Dies recollectionis [Reflection days] of double nature: thanksgiving and petition; the day’s aim was to bring together different matters as well as to prepare us for holiday.

5 July

Meditation: reference to last year’s retreat; Adoration; Liturgy of the Hours

Holy Hour: Priesthood and sacrifice are inscribed very deeply into the reality of creation: of the world and of the human being. While this reality, on the one hand, shows the dependence of everything that is created on the Creator, on the other hand, it in a particular way expresses and actualises the relationship of the gift, the giving of oneself, which is special to the human being as a person. This relation is ‘introduced’ by Christ into the Trinitarian, that is ultimate, dimension.

6 July

Lauds; Holy Mass; Daytime prayers; Rosary

Meditation: The Little Ways of Jesus1 – in relation to yesterday’s primary reflection, a meditation on the matters pro praeteritio et pro futuro [relating to the past and future] connected to the petitionary prayer for these issues.

The Way of the Cross; Litany of the Saints; Penitential psalms; Adoration

(Reading: Prof. G. Labuda, ‘Factum Św. Stanisława’ [The Factum of St Stanislaus]2 – remarks)

In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II

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