Читать книгу In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II - Литагент HarperCollins USD, F. M. L. Thompson - Страница 19

[5–8] March 1964 Before the installation ceremony1


5 March

Funeral of Fr Dean J. Śliwa RIP in Wieliczka2

Meditation on death: The reality of Christ’s priesthood emerges out of death in a special way: He stands before the Father as the eternal priest, and we stand before the Father with what we share in Christ’s priesthood.

Conversation at the Visitation Sisters’

Conclusion at the Abbey in Tyniec3

6 March

Holy Hour; Lauds; Holy Mass; Prime

Meditation: On the relation ‘priest–shepherd’ in Christ the Lord and in each of us.

Reading: ‘Der Bischof als Priester und Hirt seiner Diözese’ [The Bishop as the Priest and Shepherd of His Diocese];4 Daniélou: Temple [illegible];5 Estreicher: [illegible]; [Zarewicz]: Biskupstwo Krakowskie [The Bishopric of Kraków].6

Meditation: On the ways in which my actions are ‘rooted’ in God’s mysteries (preparation for confession).

The Way of the Cross; Adoration; Office

7 March

Holy Mass

Meditation: ‘Domine Deus, in simplicitate cordis mei laetus obtuli universa; et populum tuum, qui repertus est, vidi cum ingenti gaudio: Deus Israel, custodi hanc voluntatem’ [‘Lord God … in the uprightness of my heart I have freely offered all these things, and now I have seen your people, who are present here, offering freely and joyously to you. O Lord, the God of … Israel, keep forever such purposes’].7

The Way of the Cross; Meditation: Priest and shepherd; Confession; Vespers

Pilgrimage to the tomb of Bl. Wincenty Kadłubek, Bishop of Kraków

8 March


In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II

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