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The following entries were taken from one of George’s boyhood diaries written in 1861 at age twelve, when the Dawson family lived on the McGill campus in downtown Montreal. The diary for the most part refers to his studies and his governess whom he is pleased to call “Miss.” There are also a number of references to his health and the simple pastimes that boys engaged in before the advent of television!

March 1st. 1861

Miss came today and we got on very well with lessons. After lessons we went out and had a battle with the students after dinner we went into the Baynses17 and had some fine fun we played at Jacks alive and several other games <George gave me>

March 2nd. 1861

This morning after breakfast I went to town and bought 38 marbles and went out a little to play, after dinner I took Rankine18 out and had a game of marbles with Ohara,19 this eavening I feel very tired and uncomfortable.

March 3rd. 1861.

Did not go to church this morning it was so sloppy red a story in Sherwoods20 before dinner: after dinner I took rankine out for a walk wrote some of my bible index and red a little. William Ross came up and took tea with us tonight. It is sloppy thawing weather.

March 4th. 1861.

Miss came this forenoon. I read a good deal before dinner. After dinner I went down town and bought several things when I came home my feet were very wet. A lady and gentleman took tea with us tonight.

March 5th. 1861.

Got on very well with lessons today before dinner I went out to play a little after dinner we were playing marbles after that Rankine came out with us we went down to the garden and swang and did several other things Grandpapa dug the first of the parsnips today.

March 6th. 1861

Miss came today and we got on very well with lessons. It was <very> cold today <We> I snoeshoed a little and sailed my boats we then played tag round the College Ohara came in today and they played old man. I had a <very> bad headache so I did not play but went to bed early.

March 7th. 1861.

Got on very well with my lessons today after lessons I red a little, after dinner we went out but it was so cold we were always running in to warm ourselves <I>After that I went into Baynses and spent a very happy eavening after I came in I learnt my lessons.

March 8th. 1861.

Miss came today and we got on very well with lessons Had only 8 speaking marks this week. This afternoon I went to see the snoeshose races I saw them giving the prises. The greatest prise was a sivler cup after that we <went an> slid on the ice. This eavening Nina came in I went to bed early tonight for I am pretty tired.

March 9th. 1861.

This morning being Saturday miss did not come it was dull and rainy this forenoon I ocupied myself with reading and several other things after dinner I went down town with Grandpapa I bought some sweaties and Grandpapa bought me a walking cane this eavining william & Anna were both out made a List of seeds to be bought for garden.

March 10th. 1861

After they were all gone to church this morning I red a story in Sherwoods after dinner I learnt my question after that I went to the Bible Class when I came home I finished the story in Sherwoods I went to bed pretty late this eavining.

March 11th. 1861.

School got on very well this morning read a little before dinner after dinner which was late Ohara william and me went down town to get some seeds for planting in box to raise for garden when I came Home I was asked into baynses but mama would not let me go after tea I learnt my lessons and then red.

March 12th. 1861.

Got on very well with lessons this morning they were shortened on account of the College races after the races we had dinner after dinner I went into Mrs. Baynses where we had some fine fun first we were telling stories and reading and after tea we were playing birds in the bush I came home at nine aclock and had to write my composition. I am Late of going to bed again as it is ten a clock now.

March 13th. 1861.

it was very stormy this morning. Miss came got on very well. <after> before dinner I read a little in [...] after dinner I went snoeshoeing all up and down the field after tea papa planted the seads to raise for spring Anna is going to read to me tonight After I go to bed.

March 14th. 1861.

Got on very well with lessons today I read a little before dinner after dinner I went snoeshoeing all up and down the field ran a rase with Ohara and we both came in equell after tea we went to a lecture on the microscope and saw some very pretty objects while the lecture was going on a bench broke down there were some very disorderly people there.

March 15th. 1861.

This morning miss came and we got on very well with lessons I had only 5 speaking marks this week between lessons & Dinner I went down town and got back in time for dinner we went out to play after dinner mamma had a party of the [...] to tonight and I spent a very pleasant eavening it is past 12 a clock.

March 16th. 1861.

I read a little before ten oclock I then went down town with papa he bought some flounders to get shells out of A new [...] after dinner we went out to play and made a great many snowballs and anna told a story when we went in papa planted the verbena slips after tea william and me played marbles with my new board.

March 17th. 1861.

I went to church this morning but it was very cold and windy after dinner anna went to the bible class mama read to me & william after tea I read to <us> myself and wrote a chapter in my scripture index. I have a bad headache my wallflower bloomed today

March 18th. 1861.

Miss came after lessons I played marbles with Ohara & gained & after dinner I went out but it was very cold so we soon came in I was then asked to Mr Baynses where we had some fine fun I just came <in> {home} in time to see anna & nina finish an act Verbena slips growing

March 19th. 1861.

Miss came this morning and we got on very well with lessons a little after dinner I went out we cuttered and pulled each other on our slays Grandpapa gave me a new <story> book and a music book tonight papa and mama are out papa got a box from labradoor full of shells.

March 20th. 1861.

Miss came this morning and we got on very well with lessons after Lessons we went <at> out cuttering and eating Haws21 & after dinner we played at Thief and Hide and go seek Ohara came in today papa lent me his blowpipe and I was melting glass with it. I then went over home with Ohara and brought Anna home who was <of> {at} the Baynses

March 21st. 1861.

Miss came this morning and we got on very well with lessons I read a little and after dinner I played a little and then went down town with mama she bought a wooden horse for rankine after tea I was melting glass and after that I went for william who was at the baynses

March 22nd. 1861.

Miss came this morning and we got on very well with lessons I had no speaking marks this week so papa gave me 7 1/2 got a very bad headache.

March 23rd. 1861.

I went down town this morning with grandpapa he got me a magic lantern for 7/8 after dinner I showed it to the children went over to baynses they had a party played acting poast office and other things.

March 24th. 1861.

Read a little in the band of hope which papa got a few numbers of <two> two of my seeds came up after dinner I went to the bible class after tea I read a little more and went to bed pretty early felt pretty tired today.

March 25th. 1861.

Miss came this morning and we got on very well with lessons after dinner some people came up to see about the west wing after that papa and me went down to the Natural History after tea I showed the magic lantern Ohara & Nina came over to see it some seeds came up today.

March 26th. 1861.

Miss came this morning as usual Mama chose two new tunes for me after dinner as it was raining we did not come out Ohara and Nina came in tonight and we had some fine acting down in the dining room after that I showed them my magic lantern and a picture of a skeleton which <I>{papa} made for it

March 27th. 1861.

Miss came this morning as usual though we did <not> not expect her as it was so rainy I had a bad headache all this afternoon mama played a little music to me and bathed my feet in water to try to cure it after tea I picked a few forams22 out of water for papa

March 28th. 1861.

Miss came half an ower early this morning after school I went over to the Baynses to ask for Ohara who was not at school after dinner I went down town and spent twenty pence on paper and envelopes, a gentleman took tea with us tonight after tea I showed my skeleton through the magic lantern.

March 29th. 1861.

Miss did not come this morning as it was good friday after breakfast papa and me went down to the normal school and in our return visited the indian remanes I found an old [...] after dinner I went to see the boys play [...] Nina came in tonight had a headache in the morning but it got better in the afternoon

March 30th. 1861.

Of course miss did not come today as it was Saturday I was playing tunes to mama this morning when Ohara came in to ask me to their house I went in and we played [tops] a good while after that we went up to the cupelo and caught Oharas pigon which we fed and put up again after dinner we read a little and did several little things when I came in at five little miss Wilmot was in I showed them my magic lantern I had a bad headache all the afternoon

March 31st. 1861.

went to mamas church this morning after dinner {I went out with rankine} [...] red a little to william and I listened after that mama read me a little after tea I read a story in holiday after noons

April 1st. 1861.

Miss came this morning got on very well with lessons after lessons Grandpapa gave me a top which I was playing with I went out and played top with the boys I got a piece taken out of my top which I put in again after tea I went to a meating of the Normal school asocation they had some very nice music.

April 2nd. 1861.

Miss came this morning though we thought she would not as it was snowing so badly after lessons I read some of Homers ilead after dinner I was spinning my top nearly all the afternoon I practised a little after tea I prepared some microscope objects for papa & one for myself

April 3rd. 1861.

Miss came this morning after lessons I spun my top after dinner Nina Ohara and us went to see some jugling tricks and some canary birds trained to do tricks at the mechanichs hall after that Ohara and me got a drawing book for Ohara and I got a top and string for myself I learnt my lessons and piled away a lot of paper boxes for papa after tea tonight got a new pair of slippers

April 4th. 1861.

As usual miss came this morning after lessons we were playing soldier after dinner we played snowballing and sailing boats and tried to make whistle of alder but could not after tea I put a lot of specimens in boxes for papa I was asked over to Baynses but could not go.

April 5th 1861

Miss came this morning after lessons we played soldier after dinner we played tag with the girls and snowball <with> and top with the boys. I practised half an hour in the afternoon mama read to us a little after tea and when I was in bed

April 6th. 1861.

We played soldier & top this foornoon after dinner <we playe> I had to stay in till 3 after that we played top papa came and took me over to the indian remains after tea I arainged some specemens some of the students came tonight

April 7th. 1861.

I read a little to william and took rankine out for a walk this fornoon after dinner I went down with papa to the bible class but prince followed us and I had to go home with him mama read some to us before tea after tea I learnt a hymn for papa went to bed early

April 8th. 1861.

miss Macdonald came this morning after lessons we played soldier after dinner we played soldier hide and go seek and shortly before I went in I played top after tea I learnt my lessons went to bed preety early as I was tired

April 9th. 1861.

Miss came today after lessons I went out a little while after dinner I went down town with papa he went to Frothinghams and Dawsons I met mama at the bible depositary on our way up we called on Mrs Torrance23 after I came home I went to the stabels and helped Tom to cut hay after tea had some music.

April 10th. 1861.

Miss came this morning after lessons I went out a little while after dinner I went down town with Ohara & william we bought a bow and arrows and some sweaties when we came home we practised with our bow and <an> arrows and played marbles.

April 11th. 1861.

Had a bad headache

April 12th. 1861.

Miss came this morning got on very well with lessons after lessons we went out with our bows and arrows after dinner we made a dam and sailed boats and played top mama bought me 3 arrows today some ladies and gentlemen were in tonight

On 13 April this diary ceases. The “journal” as George calls it, he evidently made himself. The cover was of light cardboard, with a design of small blue flowers and the pages were held together at the back with a fold of orange cloth. It also contained a set of directions on how to make colours to paint slides for the magic lantern.

17William C. Baynes was McGill’s secretary, registrar and bursar from 1856 to 1887 and the Baynes family also lived in the East Wing of the Arts Building (now Dawson Hall) on the McGill campus. Obviously, the children of the two families visited back and forth between family apartments in the East Wing.

18Rankine Dawson (1863-1913) was George’s youngest brother. He graduated from McGill Medical School in 1882 and after spending time as a medical officer for the Canadian Pacific Railway in Manitoba, he left for further training in London, England. For four years, Rankine acted as surgeon on liners of the P & O Company before settling in London. In 1896, he married Gloranna Coats and they had one child, Margaret Rita. Always prone to depression and instability, Rankine uprooted his family and moved back to Montreal but, never achieving permanency there, they returned to London where Gloranna left him. Depressed, estranged from his family, and separated from his Montreal relatives, Rankine died in a London nursing home.

19Dan O’Hara was a boyhood friend who later dropped out of McGill and qualified as a notary.

20A reference to the writings of children’s author Martha Mary Sherwood, whose works, including Little Henry & His Bearer & The History of the Fairchild Family, were staples of Victorian children.

21Probably berries from wild hawthorn or haw, Crataegus spp.

22Or foraminifera, unicellular protozoa important as zone fossils especially in the Tertiary Period, some two and a half to sixty-five million years ago, where they may be locally present in sufficient numbers to be major rock-building constituents.

23Probably Jane Torrance (1812-1875) the wife of David Torrance, a prominent Montreal merchan later president of the Bank of Montreal.

No Ordinary Man

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