Читать книгу Pleasure Island - Lorie O'Clare - Страница 10

5 Natalie


T omas stretched out next to me. Nicolas was on the other side of me. I looked down and saw their legs brush against each other. Their arms almost touched as they reached for me. But neither of them seemed to notice that they were so close to each other. All of their attention was on me.

God. I would pay willingly for this much attention from two gorgeous men every day—if I had that kind of money.

Which I didn’t.

“I’m going to remember every minute of these two weeks,” I murmured, letting my head fall back on thick long pillows.

“That’s the idea.” Nicolas brushed his fingers over my belly and looked up at me with very dark brown eyes.

My tummy fluttered, even though his touch was casual. I couldn’t believe how swollen and wet my pussy felt. It throbbed harder than the rest of me, making me feel like part of me had taken on a life of its own.

“I have a confession.” My two studs for hire might as well know the truth about me now. “I’ve never been with two men before.”

“How flattering.” Tomas’s sandy blond hair parted at an angle over his head. A wavy strand fell over his broad forehead, making him look rather roguish. “You seem very relaxed with us. We must be doing something right.”

I made a rather humiliating snorting sound, a forced laugh that I never gave much thought to when I was at work. But right now, it seemed so unladylike and unattractive. It amazed me that neither man’s expression changed. They adored me, and stared at me like I truly was a sex goddess. It was like they were the ones paying for time with me, and wanted to enjoy every minute of my perfection.

Except I was far from perfect.

“You two are doing everything right. I’m the one who’s the dunce.”

“Then you’re the sexiest dunce I’ve ever seen,” Nicolas muttered, his deep baritone scraping over my already raw and sensitive flesh.

“Now I know you’re paid to say that.”

“Nope.” Nicolas looked so serious I almost believed him.

“Okay. You’re right.” I thought I understood his point. “This is a fantasy, a living fantasy. I should quit thinking about money, or how I really look, or any of my imperfections.”

“Money doesn’t matter. And as for your imperfections, if that is what you’re focusing on right now, you must be getting really bored.” Tomas leaned into me, nipping at my lip. “Sweetheart, I don’t see any imperfections.”

“You’re right. I’m perfect,” I whispered, smiling as I relaxed against the bed. Who wouldn’t feel perfect with all this attention?

I closed my eyes, feeling every inch of me tingle and let him kiss me. When Nicolas found my breast and began suckling me, I jumped. But Tomas gripped my shoulder, pressing me farther into the large stuffed pillow behind my head, and deepened the kiss.

Their hands were everywhere, caressing and stroking me until a fire that started between my legs burned out of control throughout my entire body.

“This feels so good.” I felt I had to praise them somehow, let both men know how wonderful it was to have all of their attention.

Growing up under the close scrutiny of my father, the only men who dared to get close to me were ones who saw dollar signs. They were boring, self-focused, and seemed more interested in impressing my father than me. But these two knew nothing about me. I know they blessed me with so much attention because they were paid to do just that, but I was going to enjoy my fantasy. If I was cursed to be rich for the rest of my life, the least I could do was splurge and enjoy this erotic fantasy.

I opened my eyes just in time to see Nicolas’s very white teeth clasping my nipple and stretching it as he held on.

“Oh, Lord!” One of my hands was underneath Tomas’s body so I only had one hand free, which instantly went to Nicolas’s head.

It dawned on me this was the first time I’d touched either one of them intimately. And his black, shiny bald head was smoother than I imagined it would be. It didn’t feel like he shaved his head. It was so smooth I’d swear that no hair grew there at all. He didn’t let go, but looked up at me with an intensely penetrating stare that just about made me come.

“Her nipples sure crave the attention.” Tomas flicked the other one with his finger just hard enough to make me jump.

“Apparently so.” I hadn’t noticed this about me before. “Shit.”

Tomas shifted his body, touching my side everywhere as he slid down me and started feasting on my other breast.

“Watch us,” he instructed, his mouth full of nipple.

I lifted my head and did as I was told. Tomas, with his blond hair, and Nicolas, with his bald black head, had their faces right next to each other. But it was like neither knew the other was there. It was the most erotic sight I’d ever seen in my life. Both of them feasting on my breasts, taking their task very seriously with their eyes closed and humming with very deep baritones as if I fed them a meal they’d been craving all their lives.

And my God! What they did for me! Sparks and tingles danced inside me, leaving my breasts and racing to my pussy. They built a pressure inside me that made me even wetter. My thighs were damp and the cream covering my shaved skin turned me on as much as what they were doing to me did.

I touched both of them. Spreading my fingers over their shoulder blades and back, it was kind of fun exploring their bodies. A bit of confidence built inside me. They seemed so pleased with me it helped me want to please them. Suddenly I wanted to know what it would look like to see them groaning with pleasure, to watch while they came.

I really wished I had more experience in this area. I guess I was paying a hell of a fee to gain that experience. And so typical—when I want something, I take it to the extreme so that I walk away fully educated in every detail. Talk about sex-ed extravaganza! I would learn all there was to know all at once.

And damn! If these two weren’t eager to share with me every bit of skill that they possessed. It was impossible to say which one I enjoyed more. If I closed my eyes, and I did even though they wanted me watching, and stroked their bodies, I couldn’t tell them apart. Not until I reached their faces and felt that wonderful wavy hair and smooth bald head. Of course, I knew which one was on which side of me, but still, it was an interesting discovery while brushing my fingertips back down their shoulders and to their arms. Their muscles bulged the same, rippled and stretched under smooth skin the same. My compliments to their trainer for buffing them up so perfectly.

Nicolas and Tomas continued devouring my breasts until every inch of me pulsed with need. I wanted their mouths elsewhere. More than anything, I ached to feel them inside me. If I could remember how to speak, I’d let them know that. But not only was I not sure my mouth would work at the moment, my brain didn’t seem interested in forming words for me to say.

So I did the next best thing. I dragged my nails down their backs, scraping their skin with my fingernails. Both men groaned and arched their backs slightly—just enough to show me I gave them pleasure.

A sensation hit me harder than all the lust consuming my body. I could control both of these men. Not with my words. Not with manipulative behavior—but with touch. With my body.

I almost laughed out loud. My body, with my 34Bs and soft tummy that wasn’t firm and trim like so many of the ladies in my world, had both of these men harder than steel. My fingernails, professionally done at my local salon before I left town, had them purring like cats.

Very dangerous and virile cats.

I raked their backs harder with my fingernails.

“Damn, baby.” Nicolas bit my nipple hard enough that a shock wave rattled my entire body.

I dug into his flesh and he gripped my arm, raising his face to mine.

“A small amount of pain intensifies the pleasure, don’t you think?”

I opened my mouth, but then got lost in his sultry gaze.

Tomas grunted, as if seconding the statement, and then pressed his hand over my abdomen, stretching his fingers while whipping my tender nipple with his tongue.

“Not too much,” Nicolas added. “But just enough to stimulate the body, allow it to feel and experience every bit of pleasure possible.”

“That makes sense.” My lips were dry and I ran my tongue over them but it didn’t help. I swallowed.

Nicolas smiled. “There are parts of the body,” he squeezed the nipple he’d just sucked, “that will offer stimulation to other parts of the body if they are tormented just enough. Some might call it torture, without the pain.”

“It’s certainly stimulating me.” Simply staring into his beautiful face, so dark with eyes that looked like they knew my mind better than I did, was a form of torture in itself. I ached to know more about him, learn why he was here, and how he learned so much about sexual pleasure.

As gorgeous as he was, it wasn’t hard to figure out the latter.

“I can only imagine what else you might know,” I prodded.

“Today you’ll do more than imagine.” Nicolas spoke with calm confidence. His baritone was equivalent to that of a deadly purr.

“Oh really? I can imagine a lot.” I didn’t blush this time. And I was damned proud of my increase in confidence.

Not that I ever thought I wasn’t good. I know I am. And intelligent, and all that other stuff. But I’m no runway model, which were the kind of women I would imagine on the arms of men like Tomas and Nicolas. My father told me so many times that I was blessed with the kind of looks a man would marry and not want an affair with. As much as I know his words were meant to be kind, I understood what he truly said. The drop-dead gorgeous ladies would get all of the attention, and I would get the boring, yet secure life.

The only problem is that I didn’t want boring and secure. I wanted wild, untamed, and challenging.

Tomas’s hand pressed lower until he cupped my smooth pussy. It had been a last-minute decision, shaving everything off down there. But I figured what the hell! If I were going to have mind-blowing sex for two weeks, then I might as well go all the way and prepare my body for the adventure.

He spread my flesh wide open with his fingers, exposing my clitoris to the open air. My legs stiffened, as did the rest of me, as if my body would do anything to protect that small, but incredibly sensitive part of me.

“Relax, Natalie,” Tomas encouraged. “Let us show you what you’ve only imagined.”

“And maybe a few things you’ve never imagined,” Nicolas added.

For a second, I thought I saw a wicked glow in his eyes. It faded quickly but it was enough to make my heart race way too quickly. And I held my breath, which didn’t do much in helping me relax.

Tomas pressed one finger against my clit, holding it there. My hips leapt off the bed and both men chuckled. But they weren’t laughing at me. I knew that as I sailed over the edge, closing my eyes as the dam of pressure they’d created inside me while sucking my nipples exploded and a rush of moisture soaked my pussy.

“Good girl,” I heard Tomas say.

My gaze blurred as I stared at the white sparkly ceiling. “I’ve got quite an imagination,” I managed to utter in between pants.

“You aren’t imagining this.” Nicolas leaned into me, lifting my head and offering my wine to me. “Drink,” he instructed.

The wine moistened my mouth and lips and created a soothing sensation as it washed down my esophagus. “Thank you,” I whispered, taking the glass from him and taking another sip while relaxing my head against all the roped muscle in his arm.

He watched me, as if mesmerized by how I sipped wine, and didn’t say a word until I swallowed my third sip and offered the glass to him. Then his small smile raised my blood pressure quickly. Although I’ve always been fairly good at holding my alcohol, the vapors from good wine quickly floated to my head.

Nicolas placed the glass on the table by the bed and then turned his attention to me. Without hesitating, he pressed his lips over mine.

I opened willingly for him, and felt Tomas grip my legs and spread them. I focused on not fighting him, on relaxing and allowing him to do what he wished. Damn that took some effort.

If Nicolas noticed I wasn’t putting all of my attention into kissing him, it might be why he impaled me with his tongue. My mouth was so wide open that my lips stretched. Tomas lapped at my pussy with his tongue, drinking my juices while Nicolas devoured my mouth.

It was too much to concentrate on. Nicolas smiled against my mouth when I finally relaxed. “You’re amazing. Do you know that?”

I was getting accustomed to their flattery. “This is amazing.”

“We’re just getting started.”

“I don’t think I have to tell you I’m enjoying every minute of this.”

Nicolas chuckled. “I’m enjoying myself, too.”

I believed him. Just because I didn’t have sex every day didn’t mean I didn’t know what was involved. We were definitely just getting started. And as hard as his cock was, pressing against my leg, I believed he was having a good time with this.

And who wouldn’t?

I loved the feeling of two men touching me everywhere, of our legs intertwined, their mouths adoring me while their hands caressed my flesh. Every inch of me was oversensitive. Nicolas’s lips were full and soft, different than a white man’s. I never kissed a black man before and although I didn’t experience the taboo excitement that some might think I would, there was still something different about him. My father might have his faults, but he didn’t raise me to be a racist. People were judged by the qualities inside them, and not by the color of their skin. And believe me, Nicolas possessed some qualities that were outstanding.

I ran my hand down his shoulder. His skin was so soft, just like Tomas’s, like they soaked in baby oil just before coming to me. And it was smooth. But underneath that perfect flesh, hard muscles twitched and flexed when I ran my fingers over them. I pressed my palm over the bulge of his bicep. His skin was warm, perfect, and his body was hard and so well defined. Tiny black curls around his nipples and between his pectorals were coarse and contrasted the perfect smoothness of his skin.

I felt a hard thumping heartbeat but then realized it was mine. Grazing his flesh with my fingers, I searched for Nicolas’s heartbeat, wanting to feel it pulse with the strength and energy I felt from the rest of his body.

Nicolas quit kissing me and moved his head back just far enough so that I could focus on his face, causing my hand to slide down his chest before finding the source of his power. I knew nothing about this man yet there was something, a bond between strangers possibly, that made me feel very comfortable and relaxed while watching him.

I grew more sated just watching him. Tomas lay at the end of the bed, with half of his body off of it. He placed gentle kisses on my inner thighs and looked up at me when I raised my head to focus on him.

“You’ve got an absolutely perfect pussy.” He purred like a deadly cat and then ran one finger down the length of my soaked entrance.

My head fell back on the pillows. “I designed it that way just for you,” I told him, groaning.

“That would make you just like us,” Nicolas said, and both men chuckled.

“Would you like to put a condom on me?” Tomas asked.

Instantly my head cleared, losing all previous comments with the sobering thought of protection. “Oh. Well I’ve never…”

“Let me show you. It really can be quite sexually arousing. Some feel it breaks the mood, but if done right, it can be just as erotic as any other sexual foreplay.” While Tomas explained this to me he straightened, walking around the bed naked with his hard cock protruding in front of him and leading the way.

“I’d like to learn that.” I was enthralled. And at the last minute remembered that I’d requested protection be used with my companion when I filled out the questionnaire that I’d sent in with my initial payment. No way would I have sex with anyone who did this sort of thing for a living without making them wrap that baby up.

These two men weren’t cheap though. They didn’t act like whores. Not that I had any firsthand knowledge of how a whore might act. Giving it some thought now, I imagined they would behave just like these men were now, classy and professional, and taking in stride the very serious matter of protection while making it as erotic of an adventure as everything else we’d done so far.

Just watching Tomas move, his large muscular body like a well-oiled machine, captivated me. He picked up a small box on the side table next to the bed and opened it. Then pulling out a strip of gold-wrapped condoms, he let them fall apart from each other. For some reason, they reminded me of individually wrapped chocolates, each one promising a fulfilling treat and mouth-watering experience.

Tomas easily tore one of the foil packages free, and held it in one hand while extending his other hand to me. I placed my hand in his, feeling his strength when he easily pulled me to a sitting position.

Nicolas was right behind me, his hands never leaving me as he gently rubbed my back. But my attention was on Tomas. His large cock was in front of my face as he stood at the edge of the bed in front of me. My already soaked pussy swelled with anticipation and I glanced from his perfectly shaped dick to the square gold package in his hand.

He handed the wrapped condom to me. “Tear the foil gently so that you don’t damage the condom. Then pull it out of the package.”

I did as he said. The condom had a lubricant on it, and the moistness stuck to my fingers. I was embarrassed to say that I had very little experience with this kind of sexual protection.

“Many women are on birth control, and forget about the many other reasons for using condoms.” Tomas seemed to read my mind. “Condoms aren’t foolproof, but they are a safety precaution and, like I mentioned, if added to the sexual play properly, can stimulate our fun even more so.”

“I’ve been on the pill since I was eighteen.” I don’t know why I told him that, but it was the truth. The few sexual experiences I had were with men I had dated for a while. It was embarrassing to admit that I’d never discussed sexual diseases with any of them, or even given it much thought.

One of the prerequisites for coming to Paradise Island was proof of a full physical, which of course made sense, and I would have questioned the scruples of the place if they hadn’t requested proof that I was healthy, and not harboring any sexually transmitted diseases. According to my doctor, I was clean and free of any and all nasty bugs.

“There you go,” Tomas said, nodding his approval and then wrapping his fingers around his hard cock. “Hold the condom in your hand and then place it on the edge of my cock.”

I held on to the round edge of the latex and then pressed it to the tip of his cock. Tomas sucked in a breath through his teeth, making a soft hissing sound. I looked up at him, seeing the amount of focus and concentration he implemented as he watched me touch him. Again it seemed his eyes glowed. I stared into them, searching for something that would show me that I affected him as much as he did me.

He opened his mouth, prepared to walk me through the rest of this new adventure, but I was kind of getting into touching him like this. Dropping my gaze to his perfectly shaped cock, I unrolled the condom and watched as it stretched thinly over his hard, smooth, thick shaft. I sheathed him with the lubricated latex, letting my fingers smooth it over him. Once it was in place, it made his dick glow, look even smoother. And an odd scent reached my nose.

“Is it flavored?”

“All of them are. The package says what each one is.” Tomas spoke through his teeth.

My administration affected him, and I loved the sensation of control. Both men quit moving, quit speaking, and allowed me this moment to explore and get to know Tomas’s cock. I ran my fingers over the smooth, thin covering, and then touched my index finger to my tongue.

“Oh, my God, its strawberry. How cool!” I blushed over my schoolgirl tone of voice, but then laughed at myself and touched him again. “This is going to be fun.”

“That’s the whole point.”

Of course it was. And that cock that almost danced in front of my face was dying to show me how much fun this would be. I was definitely just as eager. Hell, eager didn’t begin to describe how I felt. Dying to experience the ride I was about to embark on was more like it.

I remembered at that moment something that the handbook said. If a woman hadn’t had sex in a while, and wanted to enjoy the sexual experience with her partner for as long as possible, several positions were suggested. And switching positions often was also indicated as a way to keep the pleasure going for as long as possible.

“Would you sit in that chair?” I asked Tomas, nodding to the table and chairs in front of the large window. Full, dark purple drapes offered an almost perfect backdrop of mystery and seduction.

“Wherever you like.” Tomas turned his back to me, taking his sheathed dick with him.

I had a wonderful view of his tight firm ass and my mouth watered. I’d never viewed the male anatomy as something that was breathtakingly beautiful before. But watching corded muscles flex in his legs while his firm ass made my fingers itch to touch him, gave me new appreciation of his gender. Sitting on the bed gave me the perfect angle to see his balls shift as he moved. They were tight looking, full, and I imagined what it would be like to cup them in my hands.

When Tomas sat in the chair, Nicolas pressed against my back gently, encouraging me off the bed. I slid to the edge of the king-size bed and stood, my legs suddenly wobbly. Maybe riding him wasn’t the best way to start this. My legs might give out before I could come. Hell, they might give out before I made it to the chair where Tomas waited.

But Nicolas stood next to me, and guided me as if he sensed that although willing, my nerves were kicking in big time. As I reached him, my tummy did serious flip-flops. His rock-hard dick looked even larger with the shiny condom stretched over it.

“Come here.” Tomas reached for me.

Nicolas let go. I straddled Tomas and his hands firmly held my waist as he adjusted my pussy directly over his cock. Resting my hands on his shoulders, I slowly lowered myself until I felt his cock press against my entrance.

“That’s it, baby. Take your time. Fill yourself with my dick as quickly, or as slowly, as you like.”

I held on to him and closed my eyes. Bright lights popped and flashed behind my eyelids and my thighs quivered as I slowly lowered myself onto him. His cock slid inside my soaked and incredibly ready pussy. He stretched and filled me, twitching slightly the more I lowered myself. As he traveled farther inside, my muscles contracted, easing his path, encouraging him deeper into my heat.

Fireworks exploded in my mind. They turned warm, reds and auburns, flashes of orange and soft pinks. My world transformed as my pussy took in all that he could offer. And just when I knew he was all the way in me, his mouth clamped down on my nipple and his hand moved quickly to my back, holding me tightly to him and then biting me with a quick nip.

“Oh, Lord!” I sunk lower, not even thinking when my legs gave out, and felt him create a sudden pressure that quickly spread over every inch of my womb. It was more than I could take, yet I wanted every bit of it.

“Shit!” I screamed.

Tomas chuckled, the depths of his baritone sending shivers over my flesh. He quickly scraped my nipple with his teeth, torturing further the sensitive puckered flesh that he just nibbled. Then he relaxed his tongue and lapped at my nipple, pushing it up and down with his smooth even strokes. It was just enough distraction to prevent me from stopping him when he thrust his hips upward, and filled me the rest of the way.

The pressure already created stretched and traveled even further. My immediate reaction was to straighten my legs, keep him from hitting that spot that would make me explode.

“Uh-uh,” he told me, chuckling and holding me tightly enough that I couldn’t move.

No matter that I was on top, supposedly controlling this moment—at least according to the handbook—Tomas held me easily enough with his hands on my waist that I wasn’t able to rise and escape his massive cock. He thrust again. And at the same moment, again nipped at my nipple.

“You beast!” But I laughed, and even arched into him, giving him even freer reign to enjoy my breasts.

Arching my back also allowed him to glide deeper inside me, this time stroking my inner pussy muscles from a different angle. The intensity of it all was more incredible than the handbook suggested. I squatted over him, feeling the stretch of my inner thighs. His cock stretched me open, impaling and caressing as he slid deep inside me.

I clutched his shoulders, enjoying the warmth of his body, and the hardness of it as well. Not only could I experience this about him with his cock in my pussy, but also with my hands caressing his smooth flesh. And as I stretched my legs in an effort to stand and force his cock to almost glide out of me, muscles in my legs and abdomen pulled and quivered.

This was an all-over body experience. I experienced so much from many different angles and due to so many stimuli. It really took more effort than I would have guessed to simply open my eyes, look down at his sandy hair, and see his mouth torture and tease one breast and then move to the other.

“Ride him faster. Take him harder.” It was Nicolas behind me, his hand suddenly stroking my hair, as he instructed me on how to fuck Tomas.

I reached for Nicolas and pressed my hand over his hard abdomen while taking Tomas deep inside me. Nicolas guided my hand until my fingers wrapped around his cock.

Damn, it was thick. Very thick. And long. I stroked the length of it, surprised when it lengthened and got even harder. It took some effort to open my eyes, as if riding Tomas and stroking Nicolas were all the multitasking I could manage at the moment. But I did, and turned to stare at the beautiful cock in my hand.

He was so dark, and my hand so white. The contrast turned me on.

“Can you take me in your mouth, baby?” Nicolas’s voice was rough.

Again that sensation of power, of knowing my actions, my body, what I was doing to these two men, got them off as much as it did me, fed my ego and confidence.

“Thought you’d never ask,” I said between gasps and leaned slightly, while Tomas kept me balanced over him, I ran my tongue over the swollen tip of Nicolas’s cock.

My lips stretched and tingled when I sucked part of him into my mouth. It took a minute of feeling awkward before I created a rhythm, riding one dick while sucking the other in my mouth. And then it hit me. Two cocks were in me at the same time. A fantasy of mine. I admit it. Taking two men at once. Giving them pleasure and knowing I had what it took to get both of them off, filled me with excitement and a rush of adrenaline.

“God, she’s incredible.”

“This is fucking amazing.”

I wasn’t sure which one of them said what. And honestly, I didn’t care. I sucked and fucked, loving the hell out of it. Even when my leg muscles cramped and I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep the rhythm going much longer, I didn’t care. That’s what other positions were for.

“Let’s take her to the bed.”

Tomas lifted me, standing and allowing his dick to slip out of me as he carried me to the bed. I was like a cat in heat, rubbing against him and grinning when he placed me gently on the bed on top of him. I spread my legs, accepting that my muscles would scream at me for days once our lovemaking was over. Once again I sunk down on his hard and ready cock.

“Can you take both of us?” Nicolas asked from behind me.

Something brushed over my asshole and I jumped, opening my eyes wide and staring down at Tomas’s focused expression. He watched me intently, his lips pressed together and his blond hair curling over his forehead. I was damp with sweat and he was still soft and smooth, and not sweaty. Which was probably a good thing. I was doing most of the work anyway, and didn’t think I would like a man sweating like a pig underneath me.

“How?” I asked, even when he stroked my ass again.

“Relax and keep fucking Tomas,” Nicolas instructed, without answering my question.

But then something wet, almost tingly, was rubbed over my tight asshole. I’d never given thought to having anal sex while on the island. But then every time I imagined how my sexual adventures would play out here, I got so distracted from my work, I’d forced myself not to think about it, telling myself I would just have fun and create memories for a lifetime once I got here.

“Relax and let me lubricate you,” Nicolas said, his smooth deep voice stroking my senses while his finger continued stroking my ass.

He pressed against my ass just as Tomas filled me completely. Wave after wave of desire erupted inside me and both men groaned. I cried out, arching my back and squeezing my eyes closed as I turned my face to the ceiling. Whatever Nicolas was doing back there, I liked it. And God help me, I never thought I’d enjoy being fucked in the ass.

Nicolas pressed again, and whatever he rubbed on me tingled against my skin while a pressure built inside me that was from more than Tomas’s cock.

“I think she’s ready,” Nicolas said.

“We’re ready when you are,” Tomas answered.

I blinked, realizing Tomas was still deep inside me, but no longer moving. There must have been a question on my face when I looked down at him.

“Just relax. Keep your legs spread like they are now and come here. I want to kiss you.” Tomas didn’t blink as he spoke and I noticed brown flecks in his green eyes. They were such a pretty color.

I came up with the strangest things to dwell on sometimes. Like the color of a man’s eyes while his dick was buried inside me and another man was preparing to mount me from behind.

I lowered my face to Tomas’s and his hands gripped my shoulders. As I brushed my lips over his, enjoying how soft and full they were, he wrapped his arms around my neck and opened for me. Our tongues danced while his cock jerked inside me. At the same time Nicolas pressed his hand against my belly while his other gripped my hip.

A sharp pain hit and I cried out, stiffening and bucking. But I couldn’t form words. Nicolas must have lubricated my ass very well. He slid into my ass, stretching muscles that had never been stretched like this, pushing into my virgin asshole, and creating a pressure that built so fast I couldn’t catch my breath.

Both men growled and suddenly Tomas moved inside me again. He started fucking me but Nicolas was fucking me too. Their growls and heavy pants, as they both took me and sandwiched me between corded, rock-hard muscles was hotter than I ever imagined it would be. I’d always thought of anal sex as raunchy, hot in romance novels and fantasies but not something for real life.

Nicolas and Tomas quickly changed my mind on that subject. They created a rhythm together and built pressure that overtook the pain that I experienced when Nicolas first entered me. It grew inside me to the point where I wasn’t sure I could take it any longer.

“God. Please.” I wasn’t even sure what I was begging for. But I managed to raise my head, which caused me to arch into their thrusts. They both hit spots inside me at the same time that broke a dam holding my orgasm back. It ripped through me brutally, exploding and rushing inside me with an intensity that took me over the edge faster than I’d ever gone before.

“Damn it! Shit,” I cried out, howling as they impaled me again and again.

“My turn,” Nicolas growled, gripping my hips with his long, strong fingers.

“I’m right there with you,” Tomas groaned, moving his hands to my breasts while staring up at me with glazed eyes.

I stared down at him, noticing how muscles tightened in his jaw when he grit his teeth and continued watching me. I wasn’t moving, but then again there wasn’t a lot I could do sandwiched between my two men. It’s the one downfall of condoms, I’m sure, but I didn’t feel either of them come. Not that I needed to, their growls and their bodies tightening around me was so damned hot, it was almost the best part of the experience. Another wave of desire rushed over me, giving me chills and making me feel way too hot at the same time.

My arms gave out, and I collapsed on Tomas’s chest, my heart pounding a mile a minute when I couldn’t catch my breath. I’d just fucked two men at once and lived through the experience to talk about it.

Nicolas slid out of me, and I suddenly felt light as a feather. My ass burned and throbbed, but for some reason, although I could acknowledge a biting pain for a moment, it wasn’t something that bothered me. Instead, I tingled and pulsed, feeling stretched and hot—and very, very satisfied.

Tomas’s arms wrapped around me, holding me while I remained collapsed against his virile body. He stayed lodged deep inside me, still hard, hot, and pulsing, while he crushed me against him and nestled his head between my shoulder and neck. It was strange. I was sure I wasn’t thinking clearly, and it would make perfect sense if I wasn’t, but as I relaxed against Tomas, my heart pounding wildly, the oddest thought came to me. I didn’t notice his heart beating along with mine.

Pleasure Island

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