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2 Natalie


I t was a damned good thing that Nicolas stepped in front of me at that moment. If he hadn’t, I probably would have walked into the glass doors. Nicolas pulled open the door and held it for me while Tomas kept his hand on my arm and escorted me through a huge foyer.

“I guess that makes sense,” I said quietly, my mouth suddenly dryer than sandpaper.

“We also know how to make you very comfortable,” Tomas offered. “In no time, you’ll be convinced you’ve lived here forever. We’re going to show you pleasures that will make you forget you ever had another life before arriving here.”

His tone was dark, and rushed over my skin, giving me goose bumps and making my nipples hard and aching for attention. At this rate, I’d be an over-sensitive, sex starved babbling idiot before we got to my room. Which, when I thought about it, might be Rose’s plan of attack. Get the clients so worked up that any sex would be good sex by the time they got it. Although a quick look at my two escorts and I knew beyond any doubt that sex with them would be extraordinary.

My sandals slapped against my feet and echoed throughout the large room. I glanced up and saw a balcony that disappeared into several hallways. The foyer was two-stories tall. The walls were all glass, which showed off the incredible gardens outside. The place was stunning, captivating, and absolutely breathtaking. Walking between these two gods, wearing my shorts and tank top, I felt anything but pretty. They, on the other hand, were the perfect addition to this incredible mansion.

“The architecture is as amazing as the gardens,” I murmured, looking up at a smoothly carved archway as we walked under it.

“Is that your area of expertise?” Nicolas asked.

I didn’t mean to laugh. “Hardly. I’m a lawyer.”

Nicolas’s expression didn’t change, which probably meant he’d never had to experience getting a lawyer. I was going to be with these two men every minute for the next two weeks, and although I’d planned on living out a fantasy and not dwelling on the real world, they were both making it easy to talk. And like I had anyone to talk about other than myself.

“You two already have me pulled out of my world enough that I didn’t give my standard answer.” For some reason, I wanted to impress them. Neither man batted an eye at my profession, and although I didn’t do a damned thing all day, the office I worked in was known nationwide.

“Good,” Tomas said quickly. “No standard answers required.”

“I’m a junior partner with the office of Green, Green and Albert.”

“Junior partner?” Tomas sounded confused and intrigued.

“Green and Green? Isn’t your last name Green?” Nicolas rubbed his thumb over my bare arm and smiled down at me.

Apparently neither one of them had heard of Green, Green and Albert.

“Yes, it is. But I’m not either one of those Greens. My grandfather and father are partners with my uncle in the practice. And I don’t feel I do much to earn my paycheck. I know it sounds terribly childish of me to complain, and I’m sure many would kill for my position, but I’d love a bit of the action. Unfortunately, my father and uncle take all the good cases, and I get to sit pretty in an even prettier office. My father feels he’s done his duty in providing for me by employing me, although I know he wishes I would marry someone with a background that he approves of and throw lavish parties like my mother does.” I realized I’d been rambling and quit talking, sucking in a breath and wondering if I’d just bored both of them to death.

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to pull your own weight.” Nicolas nodded like he understood.

“Elevator or stairs?” Tomas asked when we reached a huge living room.

There were couches and overstuffed chairs everywhere, but there wasn’t anyone else around. It seemed such a huge place to be so empty.

“Elevator,” I decided, more than willing to change the subject. After all, this was my vacation. And if I was going to spend it with these two men, I didn’t want them thinking of me as some boring stuffed shirt. That’s what everyone else in my world was, not me.

“Good choice,” Nicolas whispered from just behind me.

I couldn’t help wonder why he liked my decision. Both men were in incredible shape. Maybe they saw that I was a bit on the pudgy side, and agreed with my mental decision that it would take every bit of stamina I possessed to take on two men. Or maybe he simply didn’t want to climb the stairs. Shit. Maybe I needed to relax and quit trying to second-guess everything they said.

God. What had I been thinking? How long had it been since I’d had sex with one man? And I’d never had sex with two guys at once. Hell I’d never even dared imagine such a thing. Well…maybe I had imagined it once or twice. Acknowledging my own daydreams brought heat to my cheeks and I looked down at my polished nails and endured the silence as the two men stood on either side of me.

If my daydreams of kinky sex made me blush, how would I handle fucking two men in real life?

Like a bumbling fool, I told myself bitterly.

Tomas pushed the button for the elevator and the doors slid open immediately. He gestured for me to enter, and I led the way into the small space that smelled like the gardens outside. Nicolas pushed a button and the doors closed silently behind them as they continued facing me, instead of turning to stare at the closed doors like elevator etiquette required.

Suddenly I was alone, confined in a very small space with two of the most gorgeous men I’d ever laid eyes on. They would be my lovers. By the time I left this island I would know every inch of their muscle-packed bodies by heart.

Heat attacked my cheeks at the thought of it. What if I couldn’t go through with it? How would I start things? I’d never been any good at flirting with men. Probably why I never dated, or got asked out on dates. Men were strange creatures, ones that I barely understood, even in the romance novels that I devoured daily while sitting behind my desk with no work to do. And now, two of them stood inches away from me, practically naked, shy of a very small piece of material that barely covered each of their cocks.

My cheeks had to be three shades of red from embarrassment and humiliation that burned my flesh with no mercy. And I was a blotcher. Anytime I got embarrassed, patches of red would cover my cheeks and neck. I bet at that moment I probably looked like I’d just contracted some rare island disease. One that left hideous red circles all over a person’s face and neck.

I looked down in a feeble attempt to hide my sudden condition and got an eyeful of their loincloths. They’d either stuffed whatever was underneath those cloths with a lot of socks, or both of them were already semihard.

Oh, Lord.

“Would it be okay if I kissed you?” Nicolas’s deep voice was hypnotic.

I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights. Just great. Now not only was I blotchy, I was suddenly rendered mute while goose bumps chased each other over my flesh. They would be calling a paramedic by the time we reached my room.

“Uh-huh.” I couldn’t believe I agreed. My answer just slipped out of my mouth.

“Good. I wasn’t sure I could wait until we got to the room.” Nicolas moved into my space.

I backed up until the cool hardness of the smooth wall pressed against my bare shoulders and the back of my legs. His hands touched my cheeks, and he lifted my face to his. He had the most beautiful milk chocolate-colored eyes. And his lips. They were full, soft, and looked like they would be very, very good at kissing.

Nicolas’s face blurred when he brought his lips to mine. Then I realized, like a complete klutz, that I stared at him wide-eyed as he closed in for that first kiss. I must’ve appeared like some adolescent, who didn’t know the first thing about how to even return something as simple as a kiss.

“Oh,” I murmured when he pressed his mouth over mine.

I mentally kicked myself. I wasn’t some girl, ignorant of how to please a man. Maybe I didn’t get out every night, and unfortunately I didn’t have tons of conquests under my belt. But I knew how to be romantic. And I damn sure knew how to please a man and make him enjoy himself.

Opening my mouth, I tilted my head and closed my eyes. I was going to enjoy every damned minute of this. And oh, boy, was I off to a good start. The moment my body relaxed, Nicolas growled quietly, the sound reverberating straight to the core of my body. Every inch of me tingled as his tongue moved cautiously into my mouth and his lips sealed against mine.

And then the elevator did a very neat trick. It seemed to turn sideways when he deepened the kiss, or at least I would swear that it felt like it did. He brushed his fingers over my chin and then down my neck, barely touching me, yet igniting tiny fireworks that exploded inside me and created a burning passion that instantly throbbed furiously between my legs.

Nicolas brushed his tongue over my teeth and then, tilting his head and opening his mouth a bit further until I almost collapsed into his hard packed body, he devoured me like he’d kissed me a million times. His arm wrapped around me, holding me firmly against him. I don’t think I’d ever been turned on so much by just a kiss.

When he released my mouth, I was sure I would never breathe the same way again. I simply stared up at him, my jaw hanging open, and then ran my tongue over my lips and tasted him there still.

“You do that very well.” And I wanted more immediately.

“My turn.” Tomas took my hand and pulled me to him, then wrapped his arms around me and bent me over until I thought I’d fall on my back. Except his muscular arms kept me pinned against his virile body.

I groaned and didn’t even try to hold myself up. His arms were like steel. And he used his teeth. Just a bit. But when he nibbled on my lower lip something inside me exploded, like a dam that held all of my apprehension and nervousness broke and every bit of fear and uncertainty that I had about this place flowed out of me. I was suddenly as light as the air, floating and drowning at the same time. My nipples were so hard they ached. And my breasts swelled, suddenly aching painfully while being crushed against his rock-hard body.

“Holy shit,” I cried out when he straightened my body and let go of my mouth at the same time. “Who taught you to do that?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Tomas grinned, looking very pleased with himself.

“I’m sure in for a hell of a ride.” There I went babbling again, obviously no longer in control of anything that came out of my mouth with these two studs turning me into a pile of mush.

“Yes, you are,” Tomas promised, his grin wicked.

My heart beat so hard I could barely breathe as I stared at my two men. Both of them looked like they couldn’t wait to devour me.

“Just wait until we get to your room,” Nicolas promised.

Pleasure Island

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