Читать книгу Pleasure Island - Lorie O'Clare - Страница 8

3 Natalie


T he doors opened behind my two men and they reached for me, each of them taking my hand as the three of us left the elevator. Nicolas and Tomas continued holding my hands, like we were three lifelong best friends and guided me down a wide hallway with doors that were so spread out we’d passed two of them before I noticed the numbers on them.

“Here is your room.” Nicolas reached for the long gold handle and turned it down. The door opened, apparently unlocked. “Let’s make sure everything is to your liking. Rose will be here shortly and will make any adjustments that you wish. Once she leaves, it’s just the three of us for the rest of your time here. So now is the time to speak up if you aren’t pleased with something.”

I remembered the handbook saying that I had a certain amount of time to request a change if my escort wasn’t to my liking, or in my case now, my escorts.

“I don’t see anything I don’t like.” I stared at their firm asses as they walked in ahead of me.

It was my first chance to take in their backsides. The loincloths didn’t cover their bottoms and I got an eyeful of black and white buns of steel. Who the hell cared what the room looked like?

Rose swept into the room a few minutes later, placing my contract on the table by the balcony and bringing my brain back to matters of business. I sat at the table and didn’t pay a lot of attention to the three of them as they chatted easily about the weather and how wonderful a certain type of flower looked now that it was in full bloom. It was like the three of them truly lived a life without care, or had any problems like the rest of the world had.

They left me alone while I read every word of the contract. It was verbatim to the one that was offered as an example in the handbook. The only difference was that Rose changed the wording from singular to plural when referring to my escorts. Satisfied that everything was in order, I signed at the end of the contract, and dated it.

“Here is my personal cell phone number.” Rose handed me a pretty card, decorated with flowers and with her name and number etched in fancy calligraphy on it. “Paradise Island doesn’t have an operator. I’ll personally answer unless I’m with another client, in which case just leave a voice mail and I’ll call you back immediately. Of course room service will provide your meals here if you don’t wish to go to the dining hall. I’m sure you’ll find everything to be perfect. But if you need anything, just call me, or Nicolas or Tomas can get you whatever you want as well.”

“So far I’m very pleased,” I told her and was proud of myself for not blushing.

Rose looked like I just paid her the highest of compliments, her creamy cheeks glowing a pale pink as she smiled sincerely. “Very good. Enjoy your stay here.” Either she was a very skilled actress, or Rose sincerely loved her job and receiving compliments was something she took to heart. Maybe the skeptic in me leaned toward the former.

Tomas followed her to the door and closed it behind her then turned and grinned at me. “What do you want to do first?” he asked.

“Do you mind if we take these off?” Nicolas reached for his loincloth. “They really aren’t as comfortable as they look.”

“That’s fine.” Like I would tell him no. “And we can do whatever you two want to do.”

“Good.” Tomas slid his loincloth down his legs.

Apparently they fit like thongs, with thin elastic bands holding the small piece of material in place over their cocks.

Tomas straightened and I stared at the most perfectly shaped cock I’d ever seen in my life. “I would love to fuck you,” he told me.

“Or would you like to fuck me first?” Nicolas asked, shoving his loincloth down his thick thighs and then stepping out of it. “Although if you’re up to it, we could both fuck you at the same time.”

I gawked at one cock, and then the other. Here came the red blotches again. And I had to be imagining this. There weren’t even romance scenes in the books I loved reading that embarrassed me like this did. Worse yet, or maybe it wasn’t that bad I had to admit to myself, I loved it. My heart raced and my body was tormented with need that I knew would be more than satisfied. Both of them had raging hard-ons.

I snapped my mouth shut, suddenly aware that my jaw was almost hanging to the floor, and almost bit my tongue. Two of the best looking men in the world were asking me which of them I wanted to fuck first. Or gee, would I prefer to have them both fuck me at the same time? What the hell did I say to that?

“Sure.” Like that answered their question. This wasn’t how I acted in my fantasies, but no matter how much I lectured myself to be the perfect seductress, I was truly out of my league.

I silently thanked both of them for pretending not to notice that once again they’d rendered me speechless.

“Maybe I could help you out of your clothes?” Tomas didn’t act like my one word answer confused him in the least.

These two were definitely paid well. They had to be. Otherwise they probably both would be rolling on the floor laughing their asses off right about now.

“And how does some wine sound?” Nicolas walked over to the small refrigerator and bent over to open it.

My mouth went dry watching long corded muscles strain in his legs and ass. Every inch of him was such a perfect shade of dark brown. His ass was firm, solid, and hard packed just like the rest of him.

“Wine is good.” Anything liquid would do right now. My mouth was drier than sandpaper.

“Would you look at how lucky we are?” Tomas lifted my tank top and then stared at my small breasts as if he’d just discovered gold.

I looked down at myself, confused. “What?” I asked, then glanced around me to see what he was talking about.

“I’ve never seen such beautiful nipples. Do you know how much I love large nipples?”

“I’ve got more nipples then breasts.” I looked down at my 34Bs, breasts that had been the same size since the eighth grade.

“Damn.” Nicolas popped the cork and simply held the bottle, gazing at me like I was some kind of goddess. “She’s fucking perfect.”

“I’ll say.” Tomas pulled my tank top over my head and then reached for my shorts. “Let’s see all of you, please?”

“By all means.”

“I bet she’s soaked.” Nicolas watched but also managed to pour wine into three glasses.

He brought mine to me and I was surprised that the glass was chilled.

He gave Tomas a glass and then lifted his to his lips, his attention riveted to me as Tomas slid my shorts down my legs.

“I love a shaved pussy,” Tomas exclaimed, taking a quick drink of his wine and then putting the glass on the table next to me. He was on his knees in front of me and used both hands to pull my shorts to the floor. “I have to taste you,” he said, then pressed his mouth to my clit before I could answer.

Which was a damned good thing. I couldn’t have formed a single word if I had to at that moment. I did manage to grin though. How many women sipped at wine while a gorgeous hunk knelt before them and licked and stroked their pussy with a tongue skilled enough to push them toward the edge faster than they wanted to go.

I stepped out of my shorts and spread my legs, offering him room to explore with his mouth as he pressed his tongue over my clit and then put his hands on my ass to hold me in place while tasting me.

Nicolas moved next to me, still holding his wine. “The only thing better than fine wine is tasting it on a beautiful woman. May I?”

I wasn’t sure what he asked to do but nodded my consent and took another quick sip of the wine, which tasted like a damned good year.

Tomas’s mouth was performing some awesome tricks on my pussy. Already my legs were wobbly and I grabbed his shoulder with my free hand, stabilizing myself so that I wouldn’t fall over on him.

Nicolas dipped his finger into his wine and then touched my nipple. He rubbed the cool wine over my puckered flesh and then dipped his finger into his glass again. He appeared to take the task of meticulously painting my nipple and breast with the alcohol very seriously. Then putting down the glass, he placed his hand on the middle of my back and lowered his mouth to my breast.

“Oh, my God.” I would have dropped my wine right on Tomas’s head if one of them, and hell if I knew which one, hadn’t taken my wineglass from me.

I had two mouths on me. One sucked my breast while the other feasted on my pussy. Wave after wave of greedy desire mixed with intense satisfaction warred with each other as they rushed over my body. I was flooded with lust, not wanting either one of them to stop.

Nicolas and Tomas paid very close attention to detail. My pussy tingled and was soaked and throbbing when Tomas moved his mouth away and began planting moist kisses on my inner thighs. Nicolas moved from one breast to the other. They took their time, loving me with their mouths, until I turned into one open and very raw nerve ending. I shivered, although I was anything but cold. And as they kissed and licked, feasting on me like two starving men, the pressure built inside me until I couldn’t take it any longer.

My legs gave out and I crumbled over Tomas. “Oh, my God!” I cried out, no longer caring that I had no social graces when it came to group sex. Embarrassment was the last thing I felt. “I just came!”

“I know you did.” Nicolas sounded very satisfied.

“And you’re going to come again, very soon.” Tomas grabbed me, breaking my fall, and lifted me into his arms.

I felt the hard throb of his dick poking my ass as he carried me to the very large bed in the middle of the room. “What are you going to do to me now?” I asked.

“Absolutely everything,” Tomas promised.

Nicolas was right behind me, chuckling.

Every inch of my body tingled, and my pussy started swelling all over again, anxious to learn what absolutely everything might be. I was ready to come again. And I couldn’t wait to find out what they would do next.

Pleasure Island

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