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Designing how each of these pieces works together to help a user to achieve an end goal is not only possible, but vital to the success of a service.

Service: for example, buy house

A service is something that helps someone to do something. Only your user can determine what the service is.

Steps: for example, get a survey

Step are the things your user needs to do in order to achieve their overall goal. Crucially, steps should be introduced to a service where your user needs visibility and control over what happens next. For example, it would be incredibly unnerving to be able to do all of the things needed to buy a house in one seamless step.

The separate steps within the service of selling your house and buying a new one give you visibility and control over important decision points – like deciding which house to buy, how much money you want to spend or how many bedrooms you might need for any children. All of these steps are separate within the overall service of buying a house for the good reason that time and consideration are needed to make these decisions. This is why different organisations often fulfil different steps within the service. The break between those different organisations (if it works well) act as a natural point for consideration of information and decision-making.

Tasks: for example, check your survey

Tasks are the individual things you need to do to complete a step. How many steps or separate interactions your service has will depend on how many decision points your user has to make to achieve the desired outcome.

Good Services

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