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Pacific Seaweeds

42 | Shore plants

coastal indigenous peoples have traditionally eaten the berries raw and made the leaves into a tea.

Habitat & Distribution

Fragaria chiloensis, restricted to areas along the ocean, is found just above the high tide zone along rocky coasts and sand dunes. It is frequent along our coasts from Alaska to California.

Glehnia littoralis (subspecies leiocarpa)

Beach carrot, American silvertop

Angiospearmae Family Apiaceae


Glehnia (named for Russian botanist Peter von Glehn) is represented locally by G. littoralis subspecies leiocarpa. This perennial herb has a stocky tap-root that gives rise to a very short stem. Leaves are divided into a triplet of elliptical to egg-shaped leaflets that are smooth above with an underside of white, woolly hairs. Flowers are white and grow in compact clusters. The spherical fruit are up to 13 mm (0.5 in) broad.

Habitat & Distribution

Found on moist coastal dunes and sandy beaches from Alaska to northern

Glehnia littoralis subspecies leiocarpa. Photo by Jim Riley

Pacific Seaweeds

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