Читать книгу Emergency Incident Management Systems - Mark Warnick S., Louis N. Molino Sr - Страница 44
Chapter 1 Quiz
Оглавление1 True or False: The Revolutionary war utilized several principles that are used in incident management systems today. Some of those principles include a centralized command, planning, mutual aid, and a chain of command.
2 True or False: Prior to the Big Burn, William Greeley thought the tactic of making agreements (similar to mutual aid agreement) with lumber companies would not work, so he did not forge any agreements with them for firefighting.
3 The military devised a system to manage wars known as the C4I. What are the five elements of C4I?
4 True or False: FIRESCOPE did not play a major role in the history of emergency incident management?
5 Which state took on the task of developing FIRESCOPE?UtahCaliforniaIllinoisNew HampshireTexas
6 What reoccurring incidents(s) were the motivation for creating FIRESCOPE?RiotsEarthquakesTornadoesFiresHazardous Material Spills
7 What disaster was the driving force for HSPD‐5 and HSPD‐8?
8 What does the acronym NIMS stand for?
9 True or False: The federal government mandates the use of NIMS by stakeholders in disaster response.
10 True or False: A response agency does not need to use NIMS in order to receive federal funds.
11 Which types of agencies or individuals should take NIMS training?
12 True or False: State governors, mayors, and tribal chiefs are required to take NIMS training.
13 True or False: NIMS is useful for responding to most disasters but is not useful for events such as terrorist attacks.
14 True or False: NIMS is useful in disaster response and recovery, but is not useful in the mitigation and preparedness phase of emergency incident management.
15 True or False: It is a federal requirement that there is ongoing research and development of NIMS to ensure that this IMS system is up to date and that it incorporates lessons learned from utilizing it.
16 In what years were the NIMS method updated (Two answers)?200620072008201120122017