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Hovv Cortez rendred vp his charge and office with pollicie


When Cortes was come where his Ships were, and the residue of his company, hée began this talke, saying:

Now my louing friends and fellowes, ye doe sée what greate mercy God hathe shewed vnto vs, in bringing vs safe and in health to so good and riche a Countrey, as by manifest signes and tokens we haue alreadye séene, yea and howe plentifull of meate, inhabited of people, better clothed, and of more iudgement and reason, than the others whiche ye haue séene, since your firste comming: also better buildings, fieldes of grayne and corne: yea and it is to be thought, that the things not yet séene, doe surmount all that hithervnto ye haue playnely séene. Wherefore wée ought to giue most hartie thankes vnto God, and to beginne oure habitation héere, whereas we shall enioy the grace and mercy of God. And to bryng this matter to passe, me thinke best that we abide héere, vntill we may finde a better port or scituation. Also that we make a wall or Castell for oure defence, if néede shoulde happen, for the people of this land hath little ioy of our comming and abiding héere.

It was then considered that frō that place they might the sooner haue friendshippe and contractation with the Indians and Townes nexte adioyning, as Zempoallan, and others whyche were enimies to Mutezuma, and béeyng in this order once placed, they myghte discharge their Shyppes, and sende them incontinent to Cuba, Santo Domingo, Iamayca, Borriquen, and other Ilandes, or else to Spayne for more men, armour and Horsses, and for clothing and victuals.


Moreouer, it was thought iust and méete, to sende relation of all their procéedings to the Emperoure theyr King and maister, with the demonstration of golde, syluer, and other riches, which they had in their power.

And bycause all these things should be done in good order, Cortez determined as Captayne generall, to appoint a Counsell, Aldermen, and Iudges.

And also ordeyne all other offices that shoulde be necessary and néedefull to rule and gouerne a Citie, whych he then pretended to edifie and erecte, the whiche Magistrates should fully commaund, vntill such time that the Emperour should otherwise prouide in matters conuenient for his seruice.

A good subiecte

After this diligence put in vre, he solemnely tooke possession of all ye land, in the name of the Emperour Charles King of Castill, with all the actes and ceremonies, as to such a matter apperteyned. And demaunded of Francisco Fernandez notarie appoynted, that he shoulde gyue vnto him by testimonie in writing, all the actes done therein. All his company aunswered, that they did very well allowe hys procéedings and praysed, and also approued hys determination, besieching hym to procéede accordingly, sithence they were come to serue and obey hym. Then Cortez named Iudges, Aldermen, Attorney, Serieant, Notary, and Towneclearke, and all other officers apperteyning to the good gouernement of a Citie, in the name and behalfe of the Emperoure hys naturall Lord, and delyuered incontinent to the Iudges white roddes to beare in their handes in token of Iustice, and named the newe Citie to be builte, The ryche Towne De la vera Crux, bycause that one goodfriday they had entred into that land. After these things finished, Cortez began before ye saide Notary, another act in presence of the iudges, who were Alounso Fernandez Portocarero, and Frācisco de Monteio, in whose handes he made cession, and dyd desyst from all rule and offices whiche heretofore he had receiued, which was his gouernership, captaineship and general discouerer, receiued in the Chauncerie of Santo Domingo, at the handes of the presidentes, who were there chiefe of the kings counsell, and presidents, likewise he protested not to vse the power and auctority of the gouernour of Cuba, Admirall of India, for so much yt now none of them had any rule or gouernement in that Countrey which he and his fellowes had newely discouered, and begun to enhabite in the name of the king of Castil, as his naturall subiectes. The which auctoritie he likewise required to be set downe in recorde, and to haue a copie of the same.

The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne

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