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Hovv Cortez tooke by force of armes Tizapansinca


Not long after that these things had happened, the Indians of Zempoallan sente vnto Cortes, to desire him of succour against the garrisō of Culhua, which Mutezuma mainteyned in Tizapansinca, who did greately anoy them, in spoyling, burning, and destroying theyr corne in the fieldes, and slew their husbandmen, and toke many prisoners. The Towne of Tizapansinca doth confine with the Totonaquez, and with the grounde of Zempoallan, and is a good strong Towne, scituated néere the Riuer, and hath a fort standing vpon a high rocke. And bycause this Towne was strong, and planted among them who were alwayes seditious and Rebelles, Mutezuma placed there his garrison, who séeyng the officers of receyuers and auditors come flying thyther for helpe, béeyng persecuted of the Rebels, they wente out to pacifie the Rebellion, and for to chasten them, they burned and destroyed whatsoeuer they found, and also had taken many prisoners.

Cortez hearing this newes, departed towarde Zempoallan, and from thence in two dayes iourney with a greate armye of Indians to Tizapansinca, which stoode eyghte leagues and more from that Citie.

The garrison of Culhua came into the fielde, thinkyng to haue hadde battayle onely with those of Zempoallan, but when they saw the Horsemen and the bearded men, they lost theyr courage, and beganne to flye as fast as they myghte possible: theyr succoure béeyng néere, they were soone in holde: they woulde haue entred into theyr Castell, but for ye swiftnesse of the Horses which stopped theyr way.

The valiant courage of Cortez

And when the Horses coulde not ascende vp vnto the forte, Cortes alighted with other foure of hys men, and among the preasse of the Townesmen gote into the forte, and béeyng within, they kept the dore tyll theyr companye came wyth manye friendes, vnto whome hée delyuered the forte and Towne, desiring to do no hurte to the inhabitantes, but to suffer them to depart fréely without weapon and standerde. It was a newe worlde to those Indians, who did fulfyll Cortes hys commaundemente in all poyntes. Thys done, Cortez returned agayne to the Sea coast, by the same way whiche hée hadde come.

This was the firste victory that Cortes had among the subiectes of Mutezuma, whereby all the Mountaynes remayned frée from the vexations of the Mexicans, and all our men with great fame and reputation, as well among their friendes, as among their enimies, in so much that afterwardes when any neede did happen among the Indians, they would immediately sende vnto Cortes for one of his men, saying, that one man alone of the Chrystians, was sufficient to be their Captayne and securitie.

Thys was a good begynnyng for the pretence of Cortes. Now when he came to Vera Crux wyth hys company triumphantly, he founde there Francisco de Salzeda, who was come with his caruell which he had boughte of Alonso Cauallero, a dweller in Saint Iames de Cuba, and was left there to be grounded and dressed at his departure from thence. He brought with him .70. Spanyardes, and nine Horses and Mares, wherewith they all maruellously reioyced.

The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne

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