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The talke that the Lorde of Zempoallan had with Cortez
ОглавлениеThe nexte day in the mornyng came the Lorde, to visite Cortez with an honorable company, and presented vnto him many garmēts wrought of Cottē wolle, according to their fashion, with a knot on the shoulder like vnto the Egiptian garments, and certaine iewels of golde that might be worth two thousande Ducates, besechyng both him and his cōpany to recreate themselues and take their reste, and at that present he meante not to trouble him with any matters: And so tooke his leaue for that time as he had done the day before, willing him to demaunde and call for any thing that he should néede. Cortez gaue him hartie thāks, and so departed.
Then came moe Indians in number than there were Spaniardes, with their courses & seruice of meate ready dressed, and many boughes of daintie fruits. In this sorte they were feasted & bāketed fiftene daies most plētuously. The next day folowyng, Cortez sent vnto the Spaniardes certaine olde garments of the Spanishe fashion, and many other trifles, besechyng him to appoynt a day of conference at his owne pallayce: worde was sent agayne that he was ready and very well contented. Wherevpon Cortez tooke with him fiftie of his men all armed, and left the residue at his lodgyng in a good readinesse, and appoynted an vnder Captayne to gouerne them. The Lorde hearing of his comming, came out of his Courte into the streate to receyue him. And hande in hand they entred togither into a lowe hall, whiche they vse for the extremitie of heate in that countrey, the plotte that they buylde vpon is raysed a fadome from the grounde, so that they ascende vpon steppes, and the walles plaistered with very white lime, their tile is eyther of straw or leaues of trées, very beautifull and straungely wrought, and a good defence against the rayne. The Lorde and Cortes satte them downe vpon thrée footed stooles made all of one péece, the Lorde commaunded his seruitours to stand aside, and by their interpreters they began to commune of their affayres a great space, in demaundes and answeres, bicause Cortes desired to be well instructed of the affayres of that countrey, and lykewise of that mightie kyng of Mutezuma.
This Cacike or Lord although he were huge and laden with fleshe, yet in his demaundes and questions séemed very wise. The summe of all Cortes his talke was to shewe the cause of his comming thither, and who had sente him, euen as he had done in Tauasco to Teudilli and others.
This Cacike after he had heard Cortes attentiuely, he began a long communication, makyng his complaynt and opening his griefe in this sorte.
The Indiās complaynt
Vnder colour of holinesse
Mightie Sir, my Antecessors liued a long tyme in great peace, libertie and quietnesse, but of late yéeres my countrey and Cittie was destroyed by tiranny, bycause the Lordes of Mexico Tenuchtitlan with their men of Culhua did not only vsurpe my Citie, but also my lands by force of armes, in suche sorte that my power coulde not resiste them. And in the beginnyng those Princes beganne theyr vsurpation by way and colour of religion and holinesse, and afterwardes with force of armes, and with this title became Lordes ouer vs.
And nowe we seyng our errour, haue thought it to late to preuayle agaynst them to take away our yoke of seruitude and bondage, although we haue attempted it. And as often as we haue so done, still the victorie was theyrs, and the ouerthrowe ours. Nowe all suche as doe submitte themselues vnto them, are taxed with certayne tributes, and reknowlegyng them for Lordes, are defended by them, and estéemed as friendes. But if after such submission made, any chaunce to speake agaynst them, or rebell, then they are terribly corrected, yea murdered, and after Sacrifice made to the Goddes of warre, called Tezcatlipuca and Vitzilopuchtli of theyr carkasses, then is theyr fleshe eaten in banquet, and those who remayne alyue, doe serue for slaues, yea and the Fathers, Mothers and Children, are compelled to labour and toyle from the Sunne rising to the Sunne settyng, with confiscation of all their goodes and landes. And besides all this crueltie and vituperie, they sende theyr officers and Serieantes to execute the premisses, who without eyther pittie or mercie many tymes suffereth them to sterue with hunger. And beyng thus cruelly punished of Mutezuma, who nowe raigneth in Mexico, who woulde not suffer to bée Vassall willingly to so good a Prince as you enformed me of the Emperour, although it were but onely to bée frée from suche vexation and robbery whiche suche a mighty King coulde doe. And with these wordes the teares gusshed out of his eyes, and pawsing a whyle, he beganne to extoll the strength, magnificence and situation of Mexico planted in a greate lake of water: also he exalted the riches, courte, Maiestie and mightie power of Mutezuma. Hée sayde also howe Tlaxcallan, Huexocinco and other prouinces thereaboute, as also the people called Totonaquez of the Mountaynes were of contrary opinion to the Mexicans, yea enimies vnto them, who had intelligence what had happened in Tauasco, Yea sir (quoth hée) if it please you, I will treate suche a compact with this people that Mutezuma with al his power shall not preuayle agaynst vs.
Cortes reioyced in harte to heare this newes, and sayde vnto him. It grieueth mée to heare of the euill vsage of Mutezuma towarde his countrey and subiectes. But I assure you with Gods helpe I will deliuer you, yea and reuenge all your iniuries, for my commyng hither is to take away all euill customes, and to helpe the oppressed, to fauour the prysoner, and comforte the afflicted, and chiefly to abolishe tyrannie. And for the good entertaynement that I haue receyued at your handes, I doe remayne yours to doe you any pleasure, and to defende you agaynst your enimies, and the lyke will I doe for your friendes, wherefore I pray you aduertise them thereof as many as are of our confederacie.
Cortes then tooke hys leaue, saying that he had bene many dayes there, and that he had greate néede to goe visite his shippes and menne, who muche desired his returne, and abode in Aquiahuiztlan, where hée meante to soiourne for a certayne season, and from thence dayly they mighte conferre of their affayres. The Lorde of Zempoallan sayde, that if it pleased hym to abyde with him hée woulde gladly accept it, and if his businesse were suche that he might not, that then he besought him to remember him.
An other gifte
Then the Lorde commaunded eyght maydens to be called, who were very well apparelled after theyr maner, theyr attyre was muche lyke the Morisca fashion, (the one of them was more costely apparelled than the others) and sayde vnto Cortes, all these maydens whiche you here sée are Gentlewomen, noble and riche, and this mayden whiche is beste attired, is a Lady of Vassals, and my brothers daughter, I doe presente hyr vnto you (meaning that Cortes shoulde marrie with hyr,) and the others you may bestow vpon the Gentlemen in your company, in a token of perpetuall loue and friendship.
Cortes receyued the presente with thankes, bycause he woulde not offende the giuer thereof. And so departed with their women ridyng behinde them, with many Indian women to wayte vpon them, and many Indian men to beare them company, and to puruey all things necessarie.