Читать книгу Canine and Feline Epilepsy - Luisa De Risio - Страница 197

Clinical presentation


The toxins produced by the Bufo marinus toad (Fig. 4.6) (which is found in Florida, USA and north and north-east Australia) have been reported to result in neurological signs including seizures, ataxia, nystagmus, extensor rigidity, opisthotonos and stupor in dogs (Roberts et al., 2000). The neurological signs occur within minutes to 1 h after exposure and are preceded by oral mucous membrane hyper-aemia, hypersalivation and pawing at the mouth. Cardiac arrhythmias often occur. Severity of signs is directly proportional to toxin dose. Death may occur following prolonged seizure activity and cerebral oedema or cardiac arrest.

The European Bufo vulgaris (common toad) and the Asian Bufo gargarizans are related species to the Bufo marinus toad and can also cause poisonings, although seizures have not been described (Peterson et al., 2006).

Fig. 4.6a, b. Bufo marinus toad (courtesy of Courtney Freeman ©).

Canine and Feline Epilepsy

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