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2.4 One-dimensional typologies of organisational culture


The distinction between models and typologies of organisational culture is quite fluid. However, based on the subject literature, a number of typologies and classifications of organisational culture can be proposed, which can then be divided into the one-dimensional and the multidimensional. Some of these are based on simple dichotomies, which locate organisational culture within the intensity scale of one feature. Others are more complex, two-dimensional or multidimensional classifications. One-dimensional models are presented for example by E. T. Hall, who distinguished high- and low-context cultures84 because of the situational conditions of a communication process (context); R. R. Gesteland, who divided cultures according to the level of transaction concentration (pro-partner and pro-transactional cultures), according to the forms of desired and inappropriate behaviour (ceremonial and un-ceremonial ←48 | 49→cultures), according to the forms of behaviour applied (verbal, non-verbal and para-verbal – expressive and reserved cultures), and according to the approach to time (monochronic and polychronic cultures). It has to be emphasised that using one-dimensional classifications oversimplifies and limits typologies to only two types of culture. On the other hand, multidimensional classifications, which distinguish many types of culture, lead to the blurring of boundaries and the overlapping of descriptions of different cultures. The most popular typologies are two-dimensional, distinguishing four types of culture. Apart from R. E. Quinn’s model, described previously, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the cultures of R. Harrison and C. Handy, T. E. Deal and A. A. Kennedy, N. H. Snyder, T. J. Peters, as well as R. Goffee and G. Jones.

The analysis can begin with one-dimensional classifications. Those most often found in the subject literature include the following dichotomies:

1) Weak culture – strong culture.

2) Positive culture – negative culture.

3) Pragmatic culture – bureaucratic culture.

4) Introvert culture – extrovert culture.

5) Conservative culture – innovative culture.

6) Hierarchical culture – egalitarian culture.

7) Individualist culture – collectivist culture.

Cultural Reflection in Management

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