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8. Lead by Example


As the business owner, you are in a unique position. You are the highest authority in the company and have the final say on any decision that occurs. Therefore, your values and your beliefs will permeate the organization. Each decision you make influences your employees’ decision making. If they know you support a particular way of doing something, they will be more comfortable making similar decisions. Contrarily, if they know you oppose something, your employees will be unlikely to want to risk their job by opposing your rules or values.

Therefore, the fastest and most efficient way to change any organization is to exemplify the values and ideals you want your employees to follow. If you want employees to put extra hours in when a customer needs help, you must be the first person to volunteer to stay and complete the task. If you want your customers to receive great service, you must go out of your way for each patron you deal with. If you want your business expenses to go down, you must cut your own costs, reduce spending, and let your team know that frugal decisions are valued. The more your team has the ability to observe your values and the way your decisions are made, the faster they will learn what needs to be done and how to do it.

Of course, leading your business shouldn’t be limited to leading your employees. As a business owner, you need to make yourself visible and available to your customers and clients. It is equally important for them to see your company’s values. When you back up your company’s warranties and guarantee the workmanship, from whom are the customers really buying? From you! After all, if the owner stands behind his or her company, the customer will feel that any problem can be resolved and any wrong will be made right.

Most businesses aren’t likely to grow to stardom when the owner is uninvolved and uncommitted. If you think of any successful business — Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, Disney — you can usually name the committed business owner behind its rise to stardom: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Walt Disney. Similarly, your commitment and dedication can drive your business to grow and be profitable.

1. Ben & Jerry’s, “Press Release — Ben & Jerry’s Chunk Fest,” http://www.benjerry.com.sg/moopress/081119_chunkfest.pdf (November 9, 2008).

19 Ways to Survive in a Tough Economy

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