Читать книгу Medical Romance June 2016 Books 1-6 - Lynne Marshall - Страница 18



RAFAEL LISTENED TO the sound of his footsteps echoing across the marble-tiled foyer and wished he’d worn his scrubs and crepe-soled shoes instead, planning to change out of his regular shirt and dress pants if he’d needed to deliver a baby. Then cursed lightly under his breath at himself as he caught himself glancing around guiltily.

When was the last time he’d felt like a boy trying to sneak around undetected? Not since he’d been in primary school, since even before high school most people in authority hadn’t felt comfortable disciplining the second-born prince of their country. It was no wonder he’d run a little wild at times.

His various sports adventures, dating adventures, and foolish errors in judgment had been so well documented by the press over the years, he’d believed he was immune to caring about it. And he was immune, really, except that he had to care for Gabriella’s sake.

Yes, there were the occasional non-sensationalized stories. Ones that talked about medical school, and the years of study he put in to become a doctor and his actual work. But articles like that didn’t seem to hold as much interest for most people as the simple fact that he’d been born under the blessing and curse of royalty.

Not that it was only the public who felt that way, since his own family was pretty uninterested in his accomplishments. There were those times when he was happy about the press coverage, if it brought attention to the needs of the many women around the world who were underserved by proper medical care—or didn’t have access to care at all. But those kinds of stories were unfortunately few and far between.

As he skulked through the clinic, he felt ridiculous. And selfish. Spending time with Gabriella while he was in L.A. was more than good for him, but for her? Not so much. Being out in public with him definitely exposed her to potential embarrassment, with the media sniffing around. To having things publicly spread about her, and whether they were truth or lies wouldn’t matter.

He’d dated plenty of women who liked having their faces in the tabloids, holding on to his arm. But Gabriella wasn’t like other women. In so many ways. Something about her had grabbed his insides and tugged hard at his soul from the first second he’d met her. Her fiery temper had matched that beautiful hair of hers, then the next second she’d been endearingly sweet and caring with their very difficult patient. Add to that a sexiness she seemed barely aware of and a sadness in the depths of those brown eyes, and she was fascinating with a capital F.

The vision of the smile in her eyes and on her lips as they’d danced last night, the sight of her beautiful naked body as they’d made love, the memories of how her skin had felt against his, had him closing his eyes to hold it all inside. Had him wanting to find her right then, pull her into an empty room, and kiss her breathless.

But she deserved better than him. Deserved more than a man who would only be around for a month or two. Deserved the kind of man who was capable of offering her a commitment and a future, if that was what she wanted. And he wasn’t that man.

No. For her sake, he should steer clear of her from now on. Let last night be one great memory for both of them. The last thing he would ever want would be to add to the sadness in her eyes after he’d moved on.

He sighed and, feeling a little bruised, rubbed his chest. Knew that the bruising was inside, not out, but it would heal. At least, he assumed it would. He’d never felt quite like this before, so he couldn’t be sure. But it would be far worse to keep seeing Gabriella and bruise her, too.

Time to stop moping and get to work. He stopped at the computer outside one of the nurses’ stations to check some charts, and decided to see Cameron Fontaine first. Medically, she was absolutely fine. But she’d wanted to stay at the hospital a little longer, both so she could be near baby Skye and because she didn’t want to be seen in public while she was losing her “baby fat.”

Rafael and everyone else had reassured her it was hardly noticeable, though he knew many of the new mothers giving birth at the clinic worried about the same thing, having to live in the very close scrutiny of the public eye. Cameron was happy to be eating healthy spa food specially prepared to have the nutrition she needed, while helping her lose weight as she worked with personal fitness trainers. And, Lord knew, a happy Cameron made the lives of everyone in the clinic easier.

Including Gabriella’s, and he again marveled at her amazing patience and even empathy with a woman who could be pretty demanding. Then realized his every thought seemed to lead right back to Gabriella. How had his head become so consumed with her in such a short period of time?

Deep in thought on his way to Cameron’s room, the woman on his mind seemed to practically materialize out of thin air. She’d probably come out of the door he’d been about to walk by, but since her face had been what he’d been seeing and not the hallway, it gave him a start to see her actually there.

From the expression on her face, he’d startled her, too. Her face seemed to flush as she stared at him, and she swept her hair behind her ears in a nervous gesture he’d only seen that night in his house when she’d run into his naked chest. The night he’d wanted to kiss her to see how she’d react.

Which reminded him all over again what it had been like to kiss her the night before. Along with all the other things they’d done together over the course of the night, and he had a feeling his face was flushed, too, but not with nervousness. With a heat he’d had a hard time banking down every time he’d thought of her since leaving her in the wee hours of the morning.

“Good morning, Ms. Cain.”

“Um, good morning, Dr. Moreno.”

Her voice was husky, and her tongue flicked out to lick her lips, and he was damned if all his resolutions to the contrary moments ago didn’t fly straight out of his brain. Replaced by that desire to grab her up, take her to the nearest empty room, and kiss her until neither of them could breathe.

“I was about to see Cameron Fontaine,” he said, forcing his mind away from the thoughts that were actually making his body hard as they stood there in public. “Have you checked on her this morning?”

“Yes. She’s in the gym with the fitness trainer right now, so you’ll have to see someone else first. Speaking of which, I have a patient waiting in my office. She’s feeling nervous about some pain and wants to talk to me about it. Excuse me.”

She turned without another word and hurried down the corridor. He watched her slim rear in her scrubs swaying slightly, which immediately took his thoughts back yet again to last night and how she’d looked in her sweats. Then out of them. Which he’d sworn to himself he’d stop thinking about.

Maybe he needed to hit the clinic gym himself for a long workout, then a nice cold shower.

“Dr. Moreno! Rafael!”

Gabriella’s urgent voice had him turning to see her running back in his direction. “What’s wrong?”

“We have a precipitous delivery. My patient thought she might be imagining things, but she’s already eight centimeters dilated. Would you go and see to her while I get the pre-cep pack? My office.”

Rafael strode to the room. Knowing Gabriella knew what she was doing should have prepared him, but he was still surprised to see a woman lying on the floor of Gabriella’s office, practically wedged between the chairs in front of her desk, writhing and moaning, with blood beneath her on the floor. He cursed under his breath, because it was pretty obvious it was too late to move her to a birthing suite. He gave her knee a quick, reassuring pat. “It’s going to be all right. I’m Dr. Moreno, and Ms. Cain is getting what we need to help you, okay?”

He shoved the desk against the wall then grabbed the chairs. As he carried them into the hallway to give them all room, he could see Gabby tearing toward him with a big bowl in her hands.

“Everything should be in here. Clamps, scissors, bulb suction, sutures. Syringe for delivering intramuscular Pitocin. Blankets.”

“IV bag?”


He and Gabriella shared a look. It was clear she’d experienced this before, and also knew the potential hazards of delivering a baby under these conditions. A shriek of pain drew their attention to the patient, who was gasping and clutching her belly.

“I want...I want an epidural now.”

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that,” Gabriella said in a gentle, soothing voice. “The baby’s coming fast, Trina, but that’s good news, because it won’t hurt for long, right?”

“Then let’s get the C-section done fast. But you can’t do the C-section here, can you?” Trina sucked in a few heavy breaths. “I...I don’t think I can walk. Can you get me moved to wherever you do that, maybe in a wheelchair?”

“C-section?” Gabriella glanced at Rafael with a question in her eyes, obviously asking if he’d somehow had a conversation with the woman about a Caesarean in the minute she’d been gone. He shook his head but since it was her patient kept quiet to let Gabriella handle it as she saw fit.

“Yes. I talked to my doctor about a C-section so I wouldn’t have any changes in my, you know, down there, and he agreed.”

“Trina, a vaginal birth is always preferable to a Caesarean section, both for the baby and for the amount of time your body needs to heal.”

“I don’t care. That’s what I want. I know the scar would be low and not noticeable.”

The mulish expression on her face contorted into pain as she had another long contraction. Rafael placed his hand on her belly. He could feel the muscles pushing hard, and was sure the baby was on its way. Gabriella must have thought the same thing, as she efficiently set up an IV line in the woman’s arm.

Deciding that nature was making the decision for this woman about how her baby would be born, he figured an argument was unnecessary.

“Let’s see how much you’re dilated now, Trina,” he said, giving her what he hoped was a comforting smile. “Do you want me to do the internal exam? Or would you prefer Ms. Cain to?”

“You, please,” the woman gasped.

He glanced at Gabriella, and had a hard time not grinning at her narrowed eyes and the expression on her face that was just about the equivalent of her sticking her tongue out at him. But there was a twinkle in those eyes too so he knew she wasn’t going to yell at him again.

He snapped on gloves and knelt in front of the woman. “All right. You’ll feel a little pressure as I check. You’re doing great.” Gabriella got the IV taped down, then moved to hold one of Trina’s knees.

Then their eyes met in surprise, and the plan changed again. Because the top of baby’s head was clearly visible—as he’d guessed, nature had decided when this baby was going to be born. “Guess what, Mama? Baby’s decided the time is now. We can see the top of its head. Push hard next time you have a contraction.”

“Oh, God! No! I’m...I don’t want it to be this way.”

Gabby had turned to speak into the microphone around her neck, presumably to call Neonatal and get the troops ready, but now reached to squeeze Trina’s hand as she moaned again. “I know, I’m sorry. But, ready or not, here he comes. Breathe now, it’s going to be just fine. Give us a push, okay? Another one.”

“Great job. Here he comes! I’ve got his head now.” He gently grasped the infant’s head, sliding his fingers up to hold the tiny shoulders. “Another push.”

As the mother labored, Gabriella kept up her encouragement. “You’re doing an amazing job, Trina. Remember to breathe. Puff, puff, puff. One more. Oh, my, you’ve done it! He’s here, and so beautiful!”

The baby was a good color and seemed to be under no stress at all, and the usual, spontaneous satisfaction hit Rafael square in the chest. He grinned at the mother then at Gabriella. Their eyes met for the briefest moment, but it was long enough to see she felt exactly like he did, which was that he wanted to pump his fists in the air that all had gone smoothly, despite the not-very-normal situation.

“You can be front-page news if you want to be, Trina,” Gabriella said as she did a quick bulb suction on the baby before handing him to his mother. “I think you might be the first woman to give birth on the floor of the clinic midwife’s office.”

Trina, obviously tired but now beaming, laughed. “Being on the front page is always one of my goals.”

Something Rafael couldn’t imagine, and he’d be glad to have her take his place the next time it happened.

Neonatal arrived to take the baby and get him cleaned up and swaddled.

“Your body was obviously perfectly made for this, Trina, with baby coming so fast and easy, and with no complications at all.” Rafael had learned that it was always good to distract his patients with chitchat and jokes while he took care of post-birth necessities. “You might consider doing it another ten times or so. What do you think?”

Predictably, Trina laughed at the same time she scowled at him. “Easy for you to say when you’re not the one who went through the pain or got your body all stretched out. Besides, every woman’s body is made for birthing babies, right? It’s our curse in life, though I have to say he just might be worth it.”

He smiled at the happy, adoring look she was giving her baby, then glanced at Gabriella, wanting to enjoy her smile, too.

Except she wasn’t smiling. Her eyes held the sadness he’d seen in them before. No, this time he’d even call it anguish, and her slender shoulders were slumped with the weight of something heavy but invisible. Seeing her pain, that same heavy weight seemed to settle in his own chest as it ached for her, and he knew that, damn it, he had to learn what was making her feel this way.

To hell with keeping his distance. With keeping her safe from him. He might not have much to offer her other than the here and now and an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, but he could at least offer that. Or whatever it was she needed from him.

God knew, he was well acquainted with what it felt like to not have anyone close who particularly cared who you really were.

Dios. He wanted, right then, to take her in his arms and kiss away that sadness. To whisk her off somewhere to talk about it right now, to find out the source and show her that, whatever it was, it would be all right. Except they were at work, caring for a new mother and a new life. Waiting wasn’t his strength, but patients had to come first.

Gabriella must have felt that he was watching her, maybe even sensed the intensity and turmoil inside him at that moment, because she turned to look at him. Their gazes fused for a long moment of charged connection before she blinked, then turned away. He saw a smile force its way to her lips as her face became a smooth mask. She chatted with Trina as she was helped onto a gurney to transport her to a room, and cooed over the baby the neonatal team had placed back in its mother’s arms.

Anyone who hadn’t been looking at Gabriella exactly when he had might have seen only the pleased, warm midwife caring for her patient. Giving them the kind of heartfelt attention and empathy any pregnant woman would be lucky to receive from her nurse.

Gabriella seemed to be pointedly directing her attention to anywhere and anyone but him as she and a technician got the room cleaned up. Just before the new mother was wheeled out, she thanked him and he turned to smile at her, chucking the little newborn under his chin but still thinking of Gabriella busying herself behind him. He pondered how exactly to approach her. His phone rang, and the screen told him it was James.

He stepped into the hallway, keeping an eye on Gabriella’s office door to make sure she didn’t escape before he had a chance to talk to her.

“Hello, James, what’s up?”

“Can you take a couple of days to go to a special destination?” James asked.

“Depends on the destination.”

“A sheikh friend and his wife and extended family are staying in Vail, Colorado. He came here to take care of some business in L.A., and they were planning to leave the U.S. day after tomorrow. Except it looks like she might be close to delivering earlier than expected. Any way you can head to the mountains to see what’s going on?”

He didn’t have to ask why they didn’t just go to the local hospital or see a doctor there. He knew a number of Middle Eastern princes, and they didn’t “do” local hospitals without having some connection, along with a guarantee of privacy.

“Any way they can get here?”

“No. He’s worried, and doesn’t want her to travel. So, can you?”

“Yes.” For the first time in half an hour he felt like smiling. “Though I’d need assistance, which means you’ll have to adjust Gabriella Cain’s schedule so she can come with me.”

“Those are your terms?” A low laugh came down the phone line. “Fine. But I hope you know what the hell you’re doing, and why you’re doing it.”

Rafael wasn’t too sure he knew either of those things, but he was going with it anyway.

Medical Romance June 2016 Books 1-6

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