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Three keys are given here: the first to sub-families, the second to genera and the third to species. These are based on characteristics shown by workers and, in those species which lack them, queens; males help a great deal but for simplicity have been left out. To identify ants as far as the species is difficult; indeed, experts are often not in agreement about some very similar forms. Nevertheless the four main genera, Myrmica, Leptothorax, Lasius and Formica, have been here divided into their most common and easily identified species. The key is not based solely on structural features but includes in a few places reference to habitat, nest site and shape and other aspects of natural history. A low-powered stereoscopic microscope is best for assessing many characteristics but a hand lens may sometimes be adequate. Many distinctions are comparative, e.g., hairy or not hairy, and it is obvious that in these cases experience and reference to a reliable, modern collection is essential.

Key to sub-families

1Waist of 2 small segments (fig. 1)Myrmicinae
Waist of 1 segment2
2Gaster constricted between segments 1 and 2, with a well-developed stingPonerinae
No constriction, no sting3
3Five segments of the gaster visible from above, a circular orifice for ejecting venom fringed by guide hairs (fig. 7)Formicinae
Four segments of gaster visible from above, no circular orifice but a slit through which viscous defensive fluid is passed, no hairsDolichoderinae

Key to genera

Only one certain British species, Ponera coarcta, exists; it is a slow, timid ant with small colonies
1Queens black, with shallow, longitudinal trough on gaster, no workers; in Tetramorium caespitum nestsAnergates
2No spines on the rear of the mesosoma, antennae of 10 segments, the last 2 forming a clubSolenopsis
Mesosoma toothed or spined at the rear3
3Second waist segment with a forwards-directed spine underneath4
No such spine5
4Antennae 11-segmented, tibial spurs on legs 2 and 3, in Formica rufa nestsFormicoxenus
Antennae 12-segmented, no tibial spurs on legs 2 and 3, no workers; in Myrmica nestsSifolinia
5Jaw sickle-shaped; in nests of Tetramorium caespitumStrongylognathus
Jaw with teeth6
6First waist segment elongate, eyes minuteStenamma
First waist segment not elongate, eyes normal7
7First waist segment oblong from side with 2 tubercles aboveMyrmecina
Segment not so8
8Front of first thoracic segment squared dorsally, small black antsTetramorium
Front of first thoracic segment rounded dorsally, reddish-brown ants9
9Last 3 antennal segments shorter than the rest of the funiculusMyrmica
Last 3 antennal segments about as long as the rest of the funiculusLeptothorax
IOcelli large and distinct, legs long, segments 2–5 of the funiculus longer than all the rest togetherFormica
2Ocelli very small and indistinct, legs short, segments 2–5 of the funiculus shorter than all the rest togetherLasius
Only one British species, Tapinoma erraticum, exists; it has small, black, agile workers which run about with their gaster raised

Key to species

OScape of antenna near point of attachment to head bent gradually and smoothly without ridges; head relatively shiny, especially the frontal area (fig. 6c)1
Scape bent sharply through a right angle, with or without ridges, head dull, matt (fig. 6d)2
1Epinotal spines long in relation to body size; either workers large, queens larger than workers, fewer than 10 in a colony (macrogyna)
queens same size as workers, more than 10 in a colony (microgyna)ruginodis
Epinotal spines short in relation to body size; workers small, queens much larger, up to 100 in a colonyrubra
2Antennal scape without ridge or teeth; frontal area with marked striations; a dark ant in moorlandsulcinodis
Antennal scape with ridges or teeth at the bend3
3Scape with very characteristic transverse ridge or plate at bend, almost tooth-like from some aspects; a small, dark specieslobicornis
Scape with lateral ridge at bend, reddish-brownscabrinodis
(fig. 6d) andsabuleti

FIG. 6. Worker of Myrmica rubra: a. head, b. foreleg, c. scape of antenna, d. Myrmica scabrinodis: scape of antenna. c. and d. are viewed from behind. Hairs are abundant on the head which is strongly corrugated.

scabrinodis is a smaller ant and has a less pronounced lateral ridge than sabuleti; it also has more queens in each colony
OAntennae with 11 segments; a relatively large speciesacervorum
Antennae with 12 segments; a relatively small species1
IClub of funiculus no darker than the rest of the antenna; a distinct dorsal groove or depression across the middle of the mesosoma; nests in tree stumps and woodnylanderi
Club of funiculus darker than the rest of the antenna; no transverse groove on the mesosoma; rare speciestuberum

FIG. 7. Worker of Lasius niger: a. head; b. scale on petiole from behind; c. side view of tail segments to show ring of hairs around the circular orifice. The whole body is covered with a light pubescence and there are short, erect hairs on the scape of the antenna but none of these have been shown.

OColour jet black, shiny, head heart-shapedfuliginosus
Colour otherwise, head normal1
1Colour brown to dull black2
Colour yellow4
2Scape of antenna and tibia of leg with short, upright hairs; body dark, almost black but hairy and mattniger
No such hairs; body browner, less hairy3
3Frontal area indistinct; smaller, uniformly coloured, individuals living in open, sunny placesalienus
Frontal area distinct; larger individuals with gaster and head darker than the thorax; living in old treesbrunneus
4Scape of antenna and tibia of leg with short, upright hairsumbratus
No such hairs5
5Hairs on top of gaster short, scale tapered abovemixtus
Hairs on top of gaster long, scale broad and low, not tapered above, no cheek hairs in front view; makes soil mounds in grasslandflavus
Three of the yellow species, umbratus, rabaudi and mixtus, are very variable and intergrade in the worker caste.
OClypeus with central notch in lower margin; colour usually deep redsanguinea
Clypeus without notch; colour reddish-brown to blackI
1Back of head and top of scale notchedexsecta
Not so2
2Thorax reddish-brown, paler than head and gaster3
Body black all over6
3Eyes with small hairs and back of head with prominent long hairs; wood ants making mound nests of vegetation near trees or in open moorland in northern Britain4
Eyes and back of head bare5
4Thorax with many fine, long hairslugubris
Thorax with fewer, shorter hairsaquilonia
5Frontal area shiny, maxillary palp short and hairy; southern wood ants making large mound nests in open forestrufa
Frontal area dull; individuals smaller, making very small mound nests or excavations in open, heathy placescunicularia
6Body shiny, black; building small vegetation mounds in wet heath and bogtranskaucasica
Body dull, black; excavating nests in drier placeslemani
Collins New Naturalist Library

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