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When Does Wedding Speeches and Toasts Started?


Past traditions of wedding speeches and toasts were for the fathers of the bride and groom, also sometimes the groom. Brides were not given the chance to have their own thoughts about their wedding in front of many people. It was not really a part of the culture but it was just to meant like that.

The speeches made long ago differ from each other. In Egypt, the speeches were all about blessings and offerings to the gods of people for having the ceremony. In Europe, the fathers of both side talked about the great unions between both families. But for Ireland, England and Scotland mothers gave blessings and toasts during the wedding day.

There are other cultures that did not involve the bride and groom. Celebrations were still part of the wedding but the traditions were slowly changing. Some of the traditional people who must give speeches were taken away. In the past, maid of honor didn’t deliver speech but as of today, it is now very common. The new traditions and cultures of wedding ceremonies now have greatly changed. Some may still be there but there are new added ones.

This guide is not about the wedding traditions. It will talk about wedding speeches to teach you and give some idea. Wedding speeches have changed for many years now. Modern wedding speeches have greatly evolved, adding some humors plus the wishes for the bride and groom.

But it’s good to know a little history about wedding speeches and who were the people giving them long ago. If you are one of those people who are assigned to give speech on wedding day, here is the guide to develop you on your skill towards creating the best and touching wedding speech.

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Wedding Toast Guide

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