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During the course of severe vomiting and/or diarrhoea, sip a rehydration mix (see here). As you feel better, slowly increase your fluid intake.

About 24 hours after the last bout of illness, begin eating small amounts of foods from the following list. Increase your intake over a 24-hour period.

Bananas provide energy and potassium, a mineral essential for your body to maintain a normal fluid balance. Potassium loss results in muscle weakness, mental confusion and – in extreme cases – heart problems.

Rice and toast both provide low-fibre carbohydrates unlikely to irritate the bowel. Your first one or two pieces of toast should be dry, but then you can add a thin layer of butter or sweet spread, such as honey, depending on how you feel.

Apples are believed to clean the digestive system. They are particularly helpful if your fluid loss was due to diarrhoea. Grated raw apples or cooked apples will do.

After about 48 hours you can supplement this diet with a little boiled potato (skip the butter), cooked eggs and boiled vegetables, such as carrots. If these are tolerated well, slowly return to your normal diet.

The BRAT diet may work wonders, but it can also be depressingly dull. Marguerite Patten has devised a variety of practical, tasty and easy-to-eat dishes based on these foods. They are delicious any time, but particularly when you are not feeling well.

The Healthy Gut Cookbook: How to Keep in Excellent Digestive Health with 60 Recipes and Nutrition Advice

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