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September 8, 1989, Houston, Texas


I remember the phone conversation like it was yesterday. My good friend John Sandersen called to relay what he had been told by the U.S. military about our ongoing efforts to discover the cause of my uncle’s crash. He had been actively pursuing the sabotage theory through his contacts within U.S. Naval Intelligence when higher-ups in the U.S. military became aware of it. The warnings at first were subtle, suggesting we back-off and let the whole thing go. Then things suddenly changed.

“You’ve given the crap pile a good kick, but you’re starting to piss some people off.” his contacts maintained. The tone in my friend’s voice had definitely changed now too.

“Okay, here’s how it is.” he exclaimed. “They’ll use every agency of the federal government to make your life a living hell. That means the IRS, the FAA, you name it, and they’ll use them all. They’ll make sure you don’t have time to think about anything but the problems they’re making for you. If you keep going, they’ll take you for a one-way ride.” he insisted.

“Who, John? Who’s going to do that? The U.S. military?” I demanded.

“Bullshit! The U.S. military? Hell, the military was ready to hand the accident report over to us just to get rid of us. They were stopped by the top level of the civilian government in Washington.” he declared.

“The top level of the civilian government?” I echoed in surprise.

“That’s right. They told my contacts to tell you and me to back off. It’s our last friendly warning.”

“Who are we talking about, John? Who in the civilian government is making that threat?” I demanded, as my friend paused several moments on the other end of the line.

“They told me you can consider it a direct order from the President of the United States.” he finally exclaimed. “I believe them and I’m out of it. If you’re smart, you’ll drop it too. I have a career in the Navy to consider and you need to think about the danger to you and your family. They’ve already killed more than once. Let it go.”

Flight of the Forgotten

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