Читать книгу Flight of the Forgotten - Mark A. Vance - Страница 21

June 8, 1989, Houston, Texas


The news tore through us like shrapnel. The unimaginable had happened. Big Joe’s primary contact with the Royal Air Force had been found dead. British Air Vice Marshall Ian Harrison, a longtime friend of Big Joe and a man well-positioned to begin a formal British inquiry, had been found dead under very mysterious circumstances soon after receiving Big Joe’s first communication. Only days after he had begun inquiring on our behalf, British Air Vice Marshall Harrison was dead. His lifeless body had been discovered in a rowing skiff on the Thames River, the victim of an apparent heart attack. We would later learn that death from an apparent heart attack while manning a rowing skiff alone is a classic intelligence world method of execution. It is brought on by a lethal injection rarely found by the coroner. Air Vice Marshall Harrison had never been known to row.

Flight of the Forgotten

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