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Chapter Two: A Conspiracy of Silence October 20, 1988, Houston, Texas


Needless to say, my ghostly encounter with the Ketchum crew, although unsettling, was also quite moving. The mystery of their crash had been with me since my earliest recollection and now everything, including the Ketchum crew themselves, was ready for a full-fledged investigation to begin. I would need my family for that, most of whom were unaware of my timeless connection to Buster. In their eyes Buster was someone killed years before I was born and a man I had never known. This was going to take some doing.

Shortly after my encounter at the Bradley Airport, I decided to ask my mother for guidance. She had, after all, given me life, and I knew if anyone would believe me, my mother would. She was also one of the few people who had known Buster for most of his life, too, and happened to be familiar with family matters relating to his loss. When I asked to talk to her as soon as possible about something really important, she immediately agreed, no doubt assuming it involved much more earthly matters. Hours later, as the two of us settled into my office for our discussion, she was immediately captivated by the plaques on the wall signifying my graduation from various aircraft training schools.

“This is really something, Mark. Your grandma would have been so proud.” she said. “It’s a shame she didn’t live long enough to see you become an airline pilot.”

“She knows, Mom. She knows.” I replied, eyeing her intently as we made small talk for several moments. Then, after some thought, I decided to share with her the secret agreement I had made with her mother many years before about not flying in outer space and always being especially careful in an airplane.

“She really worried a lot about you.” my mother replied. “Because of her brother, I suppose.”


“He was always one of her favorites.”

“What really happened to Buster, Mom?” I asked eagerly, anxious for some kind of an explanation.

“No one knows. He was just gone.”

“Did our family ever get any kind of a report?” I asked.


“Nothing?” I echoed in amazement as she just shook her head and looked at me curiously. “There should have been something, some kind of a report.” I insisted. “There had to be some kind of explanation for the crash.”

“We were never told anything. Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?” she asked, surprised.

“Yes. I’m going to try and find the reason for the crash.”


“I’m going to try and find out what happened to Buster’s airplane, Mom.” I repeated.

“Well, that would be nice, I suppose.” my mother said, stunned. “But, do you think it’s still possible after all these years?”

“I don’t know, Mom. It was a military crash. The military loves paperwork. There must be a report hanging around somewhere if I can just find it.” I replied.

“Well, if you can somehow find it, Uncle Clarence would probably like to know what happened to his brother. He’s never been the same since Buster died. Maybe if you find that report, you could sit down and explain it to him. I think it might mean an awful lot to him. Where do you think you’ll start your search?” she asked.

“I have a few ideas, but I’m actually counting on Buster himself to guide me.” I said cautiously, glancing for a moment at the other side of the room.

“What on earth are you talking about?” she asked.

“Buster.” I repeated. “He asked me to do this.”

“He asked you? How did he do that?”

“He’s with me all the time, Mom, ever since I was a kid, especially now that I’m flying.”

“With you?”

“I’ve seen and talked to him for as long as I can remember. He asked me to find out what happened to his crew and to tell all their families.” I declared.

“Are you saying he’s not dead?” she asked in shocked disbelief.

“No, Mom. Buster’s dead, but his spirit is with me all the time. He and his crew have been waiting for me to develop so I could eventually help them with this.”

“Help them?” she echoed.

“Help them tell their families what really happened to them.”

“How do you know that?” she asked, skeptically.

“I have faith in what Buster tells me. He’s been with me since I was a baby. As a matter-of-fact, he’s saved me several times when I was in trouble in an airplane so I could help him one day.”

“Oh, my!”

“I know it probably sounds strange to you, but he’s the main reason I’m here, Mom. It’s my destiny to tell people what happened to those men. Buster watches over me so I can do that. I’m here to help Buster and his crew. It’s my mission in life.”

“Did he say that?”

“Not in so many words, just that they planted a seed in me years ago and it’s time now for that seed to start growing.” I replied.

“I … I don’t know what to say,” my mother exclaimed.

“Don’t say anything. This is really bigger than all of us. Those men need me to uncover the truth. I’m going to find the truth.” I said, completely unaware that I was on the threshold of an intense ten-year investigation. “I need your help to get started, Mom.”


“Well, what I need to get the ball rolling is Buster’s serial number, his burial location, that sort of thing.” I said, jotting the information down and handing the paper across to her.

Staring at the sheet of paper for a moment, my mother finally managed, “Your dad and I will probably see Uncle Clarence at the family reunion next week. I could ask him about it then if you want me to. I’m sure he still has Buster’s letters to the family and the rest of the information you need. He could never give them up.”

“That would be great. Just make sure he understands I’m trying to help.” I reminded her.

“I will.” she said hesitantly.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You said you’ve seen him? Buster, I mean?” she asked timidly.

“I’ve seen him, Mom. As a matter-of-fact, he’s standing right over there by the bookcase.” I said cautiously, gesturing toward the bookcase as her eyes widened in amazement.

“Oh, my!” she cried out as the realization that I was telling her the truth suddenly settled on her.

Flight of the Forgotten

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