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May 29, 1962, 10:20 Hrs. Administration Building, Randolph Air Force Base, United States Air Force, San Antonio, Texas


“Colonel Roberts, there’s a Captain D’angelo to see you.” the intercom announced.

“Okay, send him in.” the base commander ordered, nodding to the other officers assembled in the room. Moments later, a smiling Captain D’angelo walked through the door, obviously surprised to find the base commander’s office filled with several officers and two very grim-faced civilians. “Come in, Captain.” Colonel Roberts beckoned, motioning him toward the only empty seat in the room.

“Sir, if I’ve come at a bad time, I can always come back later.” D’angelo countered, as he glanced at the empty chair and all the faces around him.

“Come in and take a seat, Captain D’angelo.” one of the civilians ordered curtly. Immediately, D’angelo realized that they had all been waiting for him to arrive.

Easing himself into the chair, he was jolted when the second civilian asked point-blank, “Are you planning on making the Air Force a career, Captain D’angelo?” staring at him poker-faced.

“What?” D’angelo replied uneasily, shifting in his seat.

“The Air Force. Are you planning on making it a career?” the man repeated without the slightest hint of emotion.

“Well, uh, I’m not really sure.” D’angelo replied. “Have I done something wrong, sir?” he asked curiously, eyeing the base commander.

“You could say that, D’angelo.” the first civilian replied smugly, eyeing the contents of a large manila folder and ignoring the reference to the base commander. “This girlfriend of yours … her family asked you to look into having their son Albert’s remains brought back to the States, is that correct?”

“Yes. That’s correct.” D’angelo said cautiously, glancing at all the expressionless faces.

“It was never your idea, is that correct, Captain?” the man continued.

“Yes, that’s correct. I did it for her family. What’s the matter with that and who are you?” D’angelo snapped, annoyed at the tone of their questioning.

“Well, Captain, who we are, really isn’t important. What is important is that your request to reinter Staff Sergeant Natkin is emphatically denied by Washington without option for an appeal.” the civilian declared.

“Oh, really? What about that, sir?” D’angelo countered, eyeing the base commander hopefully as he sat rigidly in his chair. In response, the base commander just shrugged his shoulders and stared back at him in silence.

“There’s more …” the civilian continued. “We’re also informing you that if there is ever another mention of this affair to anyone, your military career is over and you could go to prison.”

“Prison? Who the hell are you people?” D’angelo shot back, glaring angrily at the two civilians and jumping up from his chair as the base commander quickly intervened.

“That’s enough, Captain! You’ll do as they say! Sit down! That’s an order!”


“That’s an order, Captain!” he repeated, as D’angelo slowly complied and sat down again.

“May I ask who the hell they are?” D’angelo implored, eyeing the civilians angrily.

“Only if you’re tired of wearing that uniform …” one of the civilians sneered as D’angelo strained to control himself. “Now, Captain, you’ve been given an order not to mention this again. I suggest you think about that carefully and then follow it.”

“Oh, you do, huh? I don’t take suggestions from civilians.” D’angelo snarled.

“You’ll do as they say, Captain!” the base commander ordered, continuing to eye D’angelo intently.

“Thank you, Colonel.” the second civilian stated. “Now, Captain D’angelo, as I was saying … there’s to be no mention of this matter ever again. Do you understand the order?” he asked emphatically.

“Yeah, and I understand you’re an asshole. Is that all, sir?” D’angelo asked curtly, ignoring the civilian and eyeing the base commander.

“Not quite …” the second civilian replied. “There’s one more thing we need to make quite clear.”

“Great! Another suggestion …” D’angelo grunted.

“It’s not just a suggestion, Captain. We can’t order you to do it of course, but your government would like to see you find another girlfriend. The Natkin’s are nothing but trouble for all of us. It’s up to you, of course, but your Air Force career is at stake.” he said coolly, not even trying to disguise the threat.

Rising in response and ignoring the mysterious civilians, D’angelo glared angrily at the base commander and snarled sarcastically, “Thanks for all your help.” offering a token salute as he headed for the door.

Flight of the Forgotten

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