Читать книгу Flight of the Forgotten - Mark A. Vance - Страница 15
September 24, 1988, Houston, Texas
ОглавлениеMy first indication that the important matter Buster had in mind was approaching came in the form of a strange query from my wife late one evening. “Do we know anyone that was killed in a fire?” she asked, curiously, staring at me intently as she spoke.
“A fire? No. Why?” I asked, eyeing her warily.
“No one you can think of?” she continued.
“No. Why? What’s going on?”
“Well, I went for a reading yesterday with these two psychics and they both kept insisting that someone killed in a fire was trying desperately to get in touch with my husband.”
“What kind of a fire? A house fire?” I asked.
“They didn’t say. All they said was whoever it was had died in a fire. They said the person didn’t die of the fire, but was surrounded by fire when they died.”
“Well, I can’t think of anyone.” I replied, dismissing the idea as some kind of fluke and more than a little skeptical about the two local psychics. Three weeks later, I began to understand the significance of that message. Had I known at the time that my uncle and his crew had been killed on impact when their bomber plunged to the ground amid a tremendous flash fire, I would have immediately recognized the source of the communication.