Читать книгу Flight of the Forgotten - Mark A. Vance - Страница 25

September 12, 1989, Houston, Texas


I hadn’t sensed Buster’s presence for some time. It was obvious that if we were going to uncover what really happened to him, we would have to investigate at the crash site itself. The answers we were looking for were probably still there, scattered across dozens of square miles of Northwestern Scotland. If I couldn’t get the accident report, maybe I could still find clues to the crash there. One way or another, I was determined to find the cause.

En-route, I decided that I would spend a day at the Public Records Office in London searching the records from the R.A.F base at Stornoway for that fateful day in 1945. It was important to know if any distress calls were received by the R.A.F. base and whether a search and rescue operation was ever mounted. At the least, an accurate weather report at the time of the crash would be helpful to the investigation. Our stops en-route to the crash site would also include the American Military Cemetery at Cambridge, England, where several of the Ketchum crew and passengers are still buried. Buster himself had been interred there until his body was eventually returned to the United States in 1949.

Flight of the Forgotten

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