Читать книгу HEART-N-SOUL - Mark Durre - Страница 10

Faith In The Lord 3/14/92


Lord I’ve had my doubts

Wondering what it’s all about

Now I know I’ve been a sinner

Thinking about all the times I’ve tried to be a winner

Fallen under Satan’s pressure

But now I know for sure

The Lord is the one that I should follow

Without him I know I am hollow

The Lord sent down his son to the earth

Through the virgin Mary’s birth

To warn us of the fate

If we don’t follow his way

We will be damned to hell with Satan

If we don’t try for the gates of heaven

Jesus died on the cross so that we

Might have a chance to live through

Eternity with happiness

If you start to lose your way

Just listen to what God has to say

And he will show you the way

These things I write aren’t just made up

They’re a message from the Lord that I give to you

Just keep your faith in the Lord and he’ll be there for you


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