Читать книгу HEART-N-SOUL - Mark Durre - Страница 8

Suicide 3/13/92


The night, much like my life, is long and cold

There was no way out unless you’re bold

Many people have thought the thought

Some have tried but have been caught

For me all is lost

And the price of living and the cost

A punishment so harsh and cruel

To put my innocent soul in the wicked world like a tool

Just here to do my part

Then in an instant depart

I have long since waited for this final hour

When I can stand on the top of this tower

And not fear the final outcome of impact

Carrying out my life like some twisted act

Never sure of what I was doing

Always looking for that one special thing

Now that reality has finally hit

I realize this is my only way out

Jump now and forever forget

The pain of Satan and love and all the rest of it

For now my life is finally over


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