Читать книгу HEART-N-SOUL - Mark Durre - Страница 4
Devils Temptation 1/7/92
ОглавлениеThe night has come
All is dead
Nothing left of what we had
Now all is said and done
There is no turning back
This is a song about World War Three
There is nothing left here but me
How did I live, well I’ll tell you
All goes back to the days of the new
When God was here he made me
Now all I do is corrupt thee
Nuclear weapons is what I’m for
Because they kill and that’s for sure
In this song I tell all
That’s cause I am standing tall
God said I could not win
But now look at the earth and the shape it’s in
So now you know who I am
I’m the one called Satan
I’m the one that you live for
I’m the one that you sin for
I’m the one that you kill for
I’m the one that you cry for
I’m the one that you die for
I’m the one that you fear
Cause I’m the one that’s always near
There is no escaping me
Cause you are bound to be
One of the servants of thee
Now what is left for me to say
Just the fact that you will pay
Through all of eternity for not worshiping me
You can be sure that it will hurt
Cause you’re the one that’s going to be burnt
Day after day and night after night
And you cannot put up a fight
This is all I have to say
And I’ll be seeing you someday