Читать книгу European Integration - Mark Gilbert - Страница 4
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1 Cover
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4 Contents
9 2 The Ideal of European Unity The Age of Nations World War II The Marshall Plan and the OEEC The Quest for Unity The Council of Europe
10 3 The Europe of the Six: From the Schuman Plan to the Western European Union, 1950–55 The Question of Germany The Schuman Declaration The Coal and Steel Community The Defense Community
11 4 From Messina to Rome, 1955–58 Trading Places The Spaak Report From Venice to Rome The Treaties of Rome: March 25, 1957 Interpreting Integration
12 5 In the Shadow of the General: De Gaulle and the EEC, 1958–66 The EEC’s First Four Years The “Union of States” The First British Negotiation for Entry The “Empty Chair” Crisis and the Luxembourg Compromise
13 6 Weathering Storms, 1967–74 A World Trading Power and Its Grain Mountain The Hague Summit and Its Consequences From Six to Nine Monetary Turmoil, 1971–74 Transatlantic Headwinds
14 7 Consolidation and Innovation, 1974–79 The Faults and Virtues of Consolidation The European Council The European Monetary System A “Parliament” for Europe
15 8 The 1992 Initiative and the Relaunch of the Community France Sees the Light The British Budgetary Question Mediterranean Enlargement The 1992 Initiative The Single European Act Evaluating the Single European Act
16 9 The Maastricht Compromise The House That Jacques Built The Bruges Speech German Unification An Obstacle Removed The “Hour of Europe” The Treaty on European Union Making Sense of Maastricht
17 10 EUphoria? Adopting the Euro Enlargement The Institutional Question The EU’s Growing World Role
18 11 The Challenge of the Political Brought Back to Earth A PIGS’ Breakfast? There Goes the Neighborhood Brexit The Challenge of the Political
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