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That magnificent screen


What a view you have! The standard Intel iMac is graced with either a 21.5″ LED or a 27″ 5K Retina display; the M1 iMac uses a 24″ 4.5K Retina display. All models feature display backlighting for outstanding color and brightness.

LED and Retina screens use far less electricity than their antique CRT ancestors, and they emit practically no radiation (less, in fact, than even the LCD screens that Apple once used).

All these displays offer a widescreen aspect ratio (the screen is considerably wider than it is tall), which augurs well for those who enjoy watching movies. (A favorite editor of mine loves it when I use the antique word augur, meaning to predict or foretell.) For example, the 27″ iMac boasts a whopping 5120 × 2880 resolution.

That reminds me: Throw away your printed dictionary! You won’t need it because macOS Monterey includes a fantastic Dictionary application, which uses the Internet to retrieve definitions. More on launching applications in Chapter 3 … and yes, the Dictionary app does contain the word augur.

FIGURE 1-1: The charismatic form of your aluminum iMac.

iMac For Dummies

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