Читать книгу New Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training - Mark Vella - Страница 7





Foreword to the new edition

What’s new in this edition

How this book works

Your body: quick guide to the musculoskeletal system

Your body: quick guide to joints and movements

Training concepts and principles

Training options

Scaling guide



1: Pre-Training Warm-Up

Squat push press

Standing torso rotations

Bend and reach

Multidirectional lunges

Seated stride into saw stretch

Walking arm swings


Heel kicks

2: Abdominals, Stabilization, and Balance

Posture primer

Abdominal stabilization program

Transverse activation in 4-point kneeling

Forward stability ball roll

Plank pose stabilization

Bodyweight leaning side abdominal

Double leg bridge with shoulder flexion

Ball bridge

Bodyweight crunches

Bodyweight sit-ups

Hanging leg raises

Standing squat (BOSU balance trainer)

3: Compound and Power Exercises

Bent leg good morning

Bodyweight/air squat

Back squat

Front squat

Overhead squat

Barbell standing shoulder press

Push press/push jerk

Barbell bent leg dead lift

Medicine ball clean

Sumo dead lift high pull

Power clean

Power snatch

Low alternating wave with battle ropes

Kettlebell swing

4: Legs and Hips

Barbell lunge

Freestanding lateral lunge

Bench step

Freestanding barbell plié squats

Seesaw with ball

5: Plyometrics and Explosive Conditioning

Standing jump and reach

Box jumps

Wall balls

4-point burpee

6: Chest


Bodyweight modified push-ups

Dumbbell bench press

Barbell bench press

Dumbbell flat bench flyes

Bodyweight dips

7: Back and Shoulders

Machine cable front lat pulldown

Bodyweight chin-ups

Standing cable pullover

Barbell bent-over rows

Bent-over one-arm dumbbell rows

Dumbbell seated shoulder press

Seated low cable pulley rows

Alternate arm and leg raises on ball

Back extension apparatus

Prone back extension on ball

Seated bent-over dumbbell raises on ball

Upright rows with EZ bar

Rotator cuff stabilization with TheraBand®

8: Arms

Dumbbell seated overhead tricep extension on a ball

Supine barbell French curl

Barbell triceps press

Standing barbell curl

9: Aerobic and Metabolic Training

Skipping/jump rope

Aerobic machines

Jogging and running

10: Post-Training Cool-Down and Workout

Supine legs to chest

Side-to-side hip rolls

Supine gluteal stretch

Supine lying single-leg hamstring stretch

Supine lying deep external rotators stretch

Seated rotation

Kneeling iliopsoas stretch

Standing chest and anterior shoulder stretch

Neck and shoulder stretch

Standing triceps stretch

Seated side stretch on ball

Ball shoulder stretch

Full-body stretch

Spine roll


Plank to downward-facing dog

Child stretch





New Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training

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